
Showing posts from August, 2020

Using Angular-Datatables Notes

These notes are based on angular-datatables v 8.0.0   Using Angular Component In order to get a angular component say to run you need to create the code in the same scope. That's how I managed to get it running. So for example you have to create a model via angular and attach it to a jquery event. What your doing is in the definition of the datatable is passing the logic in at that point on how to run.   import  {  Component ,  OnDestroy ,  OnInit ,  ViewChild ,  AfterViewInit  }  from   '@angular/core' ; import  {  Meta ,  Title  }  from   '@angular/platform-browser' ; import  {  HttpClient  }  from   '@angular/common/http' ; import  {  NgbDateStruct ,  NgbModal  }  from   '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap' ; import  { formatDate }  from   "@angular/common" ; import  {  DataTableDirective  }  from   'angular-datatables' ; import  {  Subject  }  from   'rxjs' ; import  {  NgbDateFRParserFormatter  }  from   './../../../datefor

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