
Showing posts with the label MyPatco

MyPatco Roadmap for 2017

   If you have been following updates on mypatco's twitter account then you know that there has been a lot of updates since the initial release of mypatco. Now what I want to do is make plans for whats lays ahead for this project which I've been spot on for getting things do so far.  The highest on my list is finishing the ios app. The second is the app indexing because I think it will greatly help the app's grow faster than it currently is, which isn't bad but just simply improve out of interest. The end goal of this app is to become the number one app for patco and provide a great user experience for patco users even if I no longer use it. Third update is more straight forward and almost done. Just display the messages in the email as alerts on the mobile devices. The feature I would like to add to this requires a little oversight on my part but ultimately become  a tool for me to perform quick group updates for schedules on the fly. This is one way I see it ...

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