
Showing posts from 2015

Fix for Xbox One App Online Chat with Windows 10

    This bug started for me sometime over the fall and after diving into it makes since with the links but I never got around to finding a fix. Final Solution I'm not sure if it's because I installed the beta version or because I uninstalled the teredo driver but I'm calling it fixed since it's probable a combination of the two. The current of the beta I am using is the 11.12.16005 version. Update This fix didn't work until I installed t

EF: The database cannot be opened because it is version 782

    The full error message for this is "The database cannot be opened because it is version 782. This server supports version 706 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported" and started appearing for me when I upgraded to Visual Studio 2015 Community. Originally I created a database file in visual studio 2013. <add name="ProductContext" connectionString="Data Source= (LocalDb)\v11.0 ;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ProductContext.mdf;Initial Catalog=ProductContext;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> <add name="ProductContext" connectionString="Data Source= (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB ;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ProductContext.mdf;Initial Catalog=ProductContext;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> Notes I did not have to delete the local database files and have to start over, thankfully it was a small change. Resource http://sqlser

Combining Bootstrap and Font-Awesome without Overlap

    For sometime I've wanted to merge these two libraries together without creating too much work for myself and reduce as much overlap as possible. I have completely moved toward the sass side for my development. I've come up with three approaches but I think the best one is the third one and it little more work than I would like. First Approaches Using an regular expression in node to remove whatever classes and component. This would be great for multiple projects and helpful reducing css on features not in my bootstrap projects. I'll keep this short because I plan to go more in depth for another project. Second Approaches Before I had my npm project I was trying to use grunt-uncss in by looking at the document pages from the source and simply removing the components and icons I didn't want! This would only work with the finally solution of the css and I found a few bugs with media queries. Third Approaches Using an approach like the one in my npm package f

Flavorstrap npm package, in-depth Documentation

There is three ways stylesheet libraries can be modified, excluding the idea of outside styling (themes). The first is through variables which limited to basic styles such as sizes, colors and other global variables. The second is extending existing css classes for example a “panel” has default, danger, warning, primary, info, and success. One could easily add a extended class called “panel-super” and continue development as any other panel variety. The last is a total rewrite of a bootstrap class, which can be avoided with flavorstrap. Advantages/Support and reasons why!? Get any version of bootstrap you want, break it down to any level you want and without impacting it for long term maintainability! Workflow: Create Sass/Less Build Sass/Less + bootstrap’s Less/Sass Remove Dups and merge styles Add prefixes See your results! Problems I faced:      For a lot of sass or css optimization solutions rudy is a constant deal breaker which meant looki

UI Design for Processing Modals

    Dialogs, Light boxes, and Modals whatever you call them are a common interface used in websites. When I started out I constantly had to write code to handle multiple situations. After writing a few I started to list a few behaviors I think should happen in/after a modal close. Without going to deep in an explanation I really just wanted to come up with a good way to include offline mode in my applications. Rules Not all of them but just some examples, the image is a better example. Every action must give imitate feedback to the user (results can be async). I.E. "Buy" will convert to "Processing" Information should be logged and stored for users to retrieve it. Applications Types of applications these I thought of. Ecommerce quick way to buy Settings in a Dashboard Post back or User session stored variables. Social Media Log ins When attaching or connecting to main site account. P

Flavors vs.Themes for CSS Libraries

    Colors aside there's a lot more happening in css themes that one needs to develop or maintain. So I've asked myself countless times if I should just create my own Css library but time was always against me. I think having bootstrap as a base line is a good starting point. Not only for my sake but non front-end developers. As a front-end developer organization with my teams is critical. Every application sooner or later ends up with too many developers doing their “own thing” especially with the styles if there is not standard or company brand. Don't get me wrong the freedom can sometimes be great for a creative projects. However when looking to creating a brand, my applications need to force some rules. I'm not looking to challenge other developers on their approach to new things or change the way they develop. If I can include them in my work flow and at the same time organize them then I will.     So what I'm leading up to is this idea flavors instead of t

Avoid Mixing Server Side and Client Side Code

Some Background      This article is from a time when I used primarily 4 with razor syntax which was a love and hate relationship. I started out as a front-end developer but was limited by my peers on the technologies I could use as well as my skills. Even though I was peer reviewed much of my code was "acceptable" I however felt it lacked something. Currently      I avoid mixing MT (middle-tier) and FE (front-end) code; it goes in hand with my philosophy on how to design web applications. I strongly recommend going the extra mile. Ask yourself how will others use the code; not how will they reuse it, that's another concern. Also how will you debug it if something goes wrong? There are many reasons why I avoid doing this. Mainly cause I like to take the approach of SOC (separation of concerns).   After years of frustration trying to debug finally I made this rule for myself. Not only with my code but in my process of thought during developing. Which w

A Good Structure can say a lot

      So one of the things you got to love about developing applications is the default folder structure. As a nou can easily pick up on the concepts and figure how to organize yourself. When starting out an unity3d project not so muc (in opinion). I look at the new 6 as a perfect an example, ita not simple but labeled out and can teach you new concepts. Maybe is just me since I write more web apps than games. Whatever the case may be I've learned is its not easy to pickup on new concepts if the structure isn't there by example.    So a little bit of my experience and not to down play unity3d cause it is pretty simple to get. What I see as a constant problem is organization and structure. Which the two go in hand when developing. Whenever I use plugins and import other's code its doffocult to get back so some kind of structure. Everyone does it differently but it can get really annoying if you have a folder structure and you want to force it across your i

Entity Framework 6: Pull in Child Entities with Async WebAPI 2.0

    Just a quick piece of code to get all the children under a given parent. The solutions is pretty straight forward but took sometime to think about since I wanted to keep the result asynchronous. I was also thinking of how I would use scaffolds creates other apis with my models. Code: db . Product . Include(x => x . ProductChildren) . SingleOrDefaultAsync(x  =>  x . Id  ==  id); Notes:     Its late at nite (so no judging...) but I wanted to get my thoughts down and explore this code for a bit. The piece code is async but my question is does it pull the child entities after it has filter down on the parent id? Or does it pulls in all the children before it has filtered down on a particular partent id and if not wouldn't a more proper way to do it be more something like... db . Product . FindAsync(id).Include(x => x . ProductChildren); This code doesn't work of course, since the Include doesn't exist for 'FindAsync' but either way alternative

Svn Merging Dev/Prod with TortoiseSVN

    For some of my  professional  projects I don't get to choose the environment and when that happens I'm forced to learn or re-learn in this case certain tools/technologies. I can't take complete credit for this article as it was mostly written by a previous co-worker however nothing here is secretive and it shouldn't be; since none of it is  proprietary .  Merging from Trunk to Branch   After making any change in trunk, immediately merge those changes to the branch, Make sure your working copy of your branch has no un-commited changes. Open command prompt and change into tortise bin folder. Usually: c:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\  Update your branch working copy with the following command: TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:C:\ Development \ YOURPROJECT Replace the path parameter with the actual path to your branch working copy Run the following command: TortoiseProc.exe /command:merge /fromurl:https:/ / /YOURPROJECT The follo

Continuous Integration for Browser Apps/Extensions?

    As far as I know none has thought of this idea but probably have. Sometime ago I had the chance to ask this question during an interview. I think interviews are a great opportunity to bound around ideas. and What I got out of this one was a statement on whether continuous integration would be very useful with green browsers (browser that update themselves and keep only two or so versions around). I don't think this statement hurts or impacts my idea. I'm was not looking at just testing my apps and extensions but to automating pushes to production and to detect future issues with newer versions of  browsers  which is what I think the point of I thought..     That being said its just an idea and maybe in the future I will implement it. I could there even spin up a couple more ideas off this one. Again not sure if anyone has thought of this, I think a lot of people in in web developers have moved away from making plug-ins and the only reason I'm thinking about thi

Unity3D: Notes for My Next Game Part 6

     Continuing from my last note on my game and where I've landed on a few problems. This has become one of my projects on the bottom of the list. However I've been making it number two as of lastly and couldn't be happier with the break I took from it. Some of my designs were quickly being scrapped at I was developing so I took a step back. It might seem like I'm stalling on this project and honestly I think I am but I want it to actually be fun to play and that my only concern. Local Network Multiplayer  I'm not sure how far I want to go with it but I have a basic setup. Platform based Camera I will go over this in a video in the future. Character Movement limited to walking and power ups that randomly appear on the field. Objects are random positions and different speeds. Music for splash screen is a perfect fit! I'm concern about some of my code not functioning in multiplayer mode, even if its only local.

Wrapping MVC with Nodejs for Development

    With 5 around the corner I get all the nodejs support I could need, but convincing a team to get on board with early technology is difficult. So what I'm playing around with nodejs projects and what I'm doing with them is wrapping them around MVC 5 projects. Having all my front-end taken care of outside the MVC project and then severing the dependencies up in a single file. I think this is the best approach and will meet future solutions without breaking things. I'm still using MVC's bundle feature but for personal JavaScript files I create. Nuget doesn't have that feature out of the box for MVC applications so for now this helps adapt to the solution with taking advantage with npm packages. Side Note        I'm also looking at is using Typescript + Typelite. I'm not completely sold on typescript but I would highly recommend using  typelite  if you do. Synchronizing fronted model with back-end model

My Career at Coriell Institute and Personal Achievements

     The time  has come where I need a change in my career and sadly that requires me to leave my current position at Coriell Institute . So just like what I did way  back in 2013 with Northern Safety , I thought I would wrap things up in an article and look back on my achievements.  Achievements (Order of Completion) The ones with asterisks are ones I built in groups.  Atlas Project - Storage Module -   Provided an interface to store unique data sets in multi-forms . Coriell Bio-Repository Catalog *  Atlas Project - Manager Module -  Provided managers to control other user to access data. Blits Project - Modules   Issues & Repairs* - Reported equipment  that were broken or had problems. Inspections* - Collected equipment w/ schedules for inspections.  Maintenance - Collected equipment  for  regular maintenance and  setup schedules.  Dashboard* - G raphical dashboard on data provided from other modules. 2015 Coriell Institute. All rights reserved My Goals

Project: Raft Draft for Data-Steamer

The purpose of this project is to wrap a set of d3js "graphics" and make them easier to create for non-javascript developers. The second reason is to standarize interactions and styles that are acceptable to the site and types of graphs needed. The final result of this project will simple be a wrapper for d3js with well defined graphs that can be  marked up with   html or with model binding (razor syntax). P.S. t his Project will be located here ! Details: There are currently four types of graphs, a line-chart , side-chart , pie-chart and bar-chart . All are used within a div tag and used as an attribute. Styling is always handled with the css (if it can be helps) and compliant with the css libraries like bootstrap. The coloring is based on a base color scheme provided by 3d but I might also base it on whatever css library is being used. From example bootstrap's primary color but I'm just thinking out load on this. Example:       <div line-c

Project: DuckSauce Notes Part 5

     I've been secretly working on this project again (of course there's my game I am still working). However I wanted to take a step back and look at what this project has done for me. The biggest thing is that it has done is get me to question my work follow and think about how to improve it. This project must create files create templates clean up code build manual. New Approach     Working with the chrome work-space has its limits and it appears there is a method to set the contents of a particular however it is not implemented and is filed as a bug. This is a long outstanding bug so chances are slim. The guts Reference Resources http://stackoverfl

Make d3js Responsive

    This is probably the most popular quesition I see and is somewhat my main concern as far as things go with one of my projects. Now this isn't a perfect solution but its doesn't depend on jquery or anything else. So it keeps things in the d3js scope which is really what I want since I don't always include jquery in all of my projects. function resize() { //Top Nav has a bottom padding for 50px's width = window.innerWidth, height = window.innerHeight; svg.attr("width", width).attr("height", height); force.size([width, height]).resume(); } window.addEventListener('resize', resize()); var svg ="body").append("svg") //.attr("viewBox", "0 0 " + width + " " + height) //.attr("preserveAspectRatio", "xMidYMid meet"); Secret project I'm working on...      I didn't include the comments in my proje

Chrome App: Can't Open app within a tab

    Currently using chrome 43 so this issue currently does exist but also is an very old one from the looks of it. It might seems silly to create an chrome app that simple opens up a link in a new tab but I thought it was so basic for my personally needs that it wouldn't be a problem. Plus I didn't plan on releasing most of the custom apps I created, simple just wanted to clean up some bookmarks and make them feel more like apps. There's also the possiblity to leverage them to be offline but that's outside the scope. What I've tried " in", chrome.tabs.create ( this is only for extentions but worth a shot ) Common issue seen     With the current bit of code I have thisn't what I see (image above) anymore but instead the tab just closes and nothing happens... Alternative solution    One of the basic ways around this is drag and drop a url in the chrome app panel, but I really don't like this

Notes: Creating an Automated Testing Framework W/ Selenium

     Recently finished watching all the videos on Selenium on automated testing and looking forward adding this framework to all my web applications tests. The rest of my knowledge can be found on the  Login-Automation  project ( I took the example and created it around google's login instead of the wordpress example show ). Types of Testing Unit Testing At the code level, code first! Such as "Mocking" or D.I. Integration Testing No need for mocking but still code. Black-box Automate Testing (BAT) Testing in a scope from a user  Regression - "worked yesterday" Absolute Requirements! Leverage Common failures Recorded brittle tests - weakly attached and simple changes break the tests, manual fixes. Not Building A Framework - Start out good, but end up the same problem. Writing Test like Code - Passed off to not programmers and slow degrade. Solution      Separate automation framework and simple tests. Test drive creation of

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