
Showing posts with the label Blogger

Research on AppScript for Blogger Sync

This a project I've given up since I'm creating my own platform but I wanted to include my notes incase someone wanted to continue my work. Probably not going to happen but maybe someone could create to organize their blog. Create blog posts and have them in separate foldersso you could use the google drive's UI. Unless I find time to waste I probably won't return to this idea but you can comment and let me know what you think. Project API External Service?

Why you might want to use Amp

Currently working on a blogger template that is completely stripped down to bare bones to setup a AMP site. This just a list of reasons why you start using AMP at least for maybe for blogs which I'm more interested. I wouldn't recommend for business sites just yet. Unless you're site is very simple and straight forward or mostly middler-tier based anyway. Pro's Everything in a AMP site is styled directly in the beginning of the site, no external stylesheets (a huge performance boost). Global styling forces developer to think globally about their styles. So the styles run more like a style guide. Styles are limited about the total amount for AMP making developers to do more with less. No inline-styles this is a plus because there is no surprises for other developers jumping in or modifying (look at cons). No inline javascript, where this is the same for inline styling. No external javascript, this is really something you will want to know before getting into AM...

Editing Blogger Post on Github, Rough Draft

    This was an idea that came to me when I was looking at  haacked's blog  (awesome blog by the way!)  which is mostly built with  jekyll  site since he uses github to host his site. I'm not really a fan of jekyll, I won't lie never played around with it . If github hosted a  web server  in nodeJs I probably would just move my blog in a  heartbeat over to github completely  but for now I like having it on blogger.      Now I haven't implemented this but here is a rough idea what I would do to achieve it. I think the image is pretty detailed but to sum it up I would IFTTT to notify my application when a new post is  available and then create a commit to github and allow people to fork the blog's repository and then create edits. I've even started the repo here ...  Research Blogger JSON API: Using the API - Blogger — Google Developers  - If I ever...

Seo Stuff for My Blog

    I've added some new features to my blog but most of it has probably gone unnoticed with what can directly be seen. So this is what I've done, first corrected any 404's and fixing broken indexed pages.  Replaced images with more compress versions and combined styles as well as scripts.  The other stuff I did is a little harder to document since it was varies based on what tools I was looking at but overall I simply just made my blog better for indexing or displaying in search results. Resources Webmaster Tools: 404 Redirection - YouTube DMOZ - the Open Directory Project Yahoo Directory Listings Google Product Forums Google Authorship Photo Snippet in Search Results Not Author Dependent Developer's Guide: Protocol - Blogger — Google Developers How to Add a Google Sitemap to your Blogger (Blogspot) Blog What are sitemaps? - Webmaster Tools Help Tools Index status - Webmaster Tools Help Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools | PageR...

"updated" field missing with Blogger

    This was a really fun problem to solve, and helped expand my knowledge with Rich Snippets. A lot of the information that I found on this issue was not helpful and came down to me reading hours of documentation mostly because I didn't know what I was looking for. The best things about this error was I that I could use  Google Structured Data Testing Tool  to instantly see my results with my code. When I was working on this issue I made sure to backup my Blogger Template, I would do the same. Problem  Update field missing in Hatom markup which throws errors in Google's Rich Snippets and probably other search engines as well. Solution - Should be wrapped with class='hentry'  < time class = 'updated' expr : title = 'data:post.timestampISO8601' > < data : post.timestamp / > < / time > < time class = 'published' expr : title = 'data:post.timestampISO8601' itemprop = 'datePublished' > ...

Sharing Blogger links on Facebook

    Publishing to all my media profiles can be a tedious task which is why I use  IFTTT  ( thanks to a colleague for introducing to it). However I notice a small problem with facebook, which selects an image that is apart of my social media profiles. I didn't intend for this to happen but it only appears to happen when I don't already have an image in the article that is posted. Watch out for images greater than 200x200! The image I originally used was greater than 200x200 and because of it facebook simply cropped the top and bottom. With a quick adjust in gimp I was able to correct this and now appears just how I want. Solution < meta content = 'yourUrl' property = 'og:image' /> Final look in the thumbnail Resources How to show particular image as thumbnail while implementing share on Facebook? - Stack Overflow Facebook Debugger tool  - Mostly interested in  og:type https://support.go...

Recover Deleted Posts in Blogger

    This article is to share what I think is the easiest and fastest way to recover delete blog post on blogger. Which I really needed to know for myself with one of my previous articles First off do not delete your browser history! If you have you will not be able to do it the way I'm about to explain but hopefully can still try other means defined in the resources. I also believe you can't have it be a post that you published but I did not confirm this. Thankfully the actual data isn't deleted and lucky for us it's just hiding on the servers waiting for us to find it. In Chrome     I could show you how to do this in every browser but the concept is very much the same in all of them, we are just trying to go back to the specific view where we can edit the post. If you're like me and jump around a lot between drafts you'll have a lot to search through. Still this is better than completely starting over. URL Example : ~/blogger.g?blogID= yourId #editor/targ...

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