
Showing posts from June, 2015

My Career at Coriell Institute and Personal Achievements

     The time  has come where I need a change in my career and sadly that requires me to leave my current position at Coriell Institute . So just like what I did way  back in 2013 with Northern Safety , I thought I would wrap things up in an article and look back on my achievements.  Achievements (Order of Completion) The ones with asterisks are ones I built in groups.  Atlas Project - Storage Module -   Provided an interface to store unique data sets in multi-forms . Coriell Bio-Repository Catalog *  Atlas Project - Manager Module -  Provided managers to control other user to access data. Blits Project - Modules   Issues & Repairs* - Reported equipment  that were broken or had problems. Inspections* - Collected equipment w/ schedules for inspections.  Maintenance - Collected equipment  for  regular maintenance and  setup schedules.  Dashboard* - G raphical dashboard ...

Project: Raft Draft for Data-Steamer

The purpose of this project is to wrap a set of d3js "graphics" and make them easier to create for non-javascript developers. The second reason is to standarize interactions and styles that are acceptable to the site and types of graphs needed. The final result of this project will simple be a wrapper for d3js with well defined graphs that can be  marked up with   html or with model binding (razor syntax). P.S. t his Project will be located here ! Details: There are currently four types of graphs, a line-chart , side-chart , pie-chart and bar-chart . All are used within a div tag and used as an attribute. Styling is always handled with the css (if it can be helps) and compliant with the css libraries like bootstrap. The coloring is based on a base color scheme provided by 3d but I might also base it on whatever css library is being used. From example bootstrap's primary color but I'm just thinking out load on this. Example:     ...

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