My Career at Coriell Institute and Personal Achievements

The time has come where I need a change in my career and sadly that requires me to leave my current position at Coriell Institute . So just like what I did way back in 2013 with Northern Safety , I thought I would wrap things up in an article and look back on my achievements. Achievements (Order of Completion) The ones with asterisks are ones I built in groups. Atlas Project - Storage Module - Provided an interface to store unique data sets in multi-forms . Coriell Bio-Repository Catalog * Atlas Project - Manager Module - Provided managers to control other user to access data. Blits Project - Modules Issues & Repairs* - Reported equipment that were broken or had problems. Inspections* - Collected equipment w/ schedules for inspections. Maintenance - Collected equipment for regular maintenance and setup schedules. Dashboard* - G raphical dashboard ...