
Showing posts with the label Chrome

Installing Windows on Acer chromebook 15 cb3-532

Much of my notes are just small problems I faced (what's new!) haha. Either way this was a really fun project to do for a friend and I got excited once I research all the information. You can find instruction videos but what helped me the most was the coolstar website. Sadly they don't have parameters in the url so I can link the machine I used in this article. - Scared of messing with the bios? Don't be!    So you need to first remove the screw to put a legacy bios on the machine. Its easy to backup the chrome os one and with the same steps to change it. You can go back in and revert to the chrome version bios. Its that last part that had me worried and its very easy to do.  Problems getting into Developer Mode?   Follow the instructions to the letter, during the step to disable the OS verification, press Ctrl-D to boot into os. If you hear two beeps I would go back to set one. I got in a loo...

Fixing Chrome Settings - Windows Registry

Take a look at your policies! Always messing with things and there are three keys when it comes to chrome that need to be setup probably for you to enjoy the internet. Check them out either with "regedit" or chrome://policy/ Adding the correct Policies! “Sign in to Chrome” missing; No syncing options in chrome://settings Can’t update, can’t sync? no problem. just add these three keys, even if the Chrome key isn’t there just create it and add the children keys. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Update\UpdateDefault HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\SigninAllowed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\SyncDisabled @="0" Extra Registry Stuff (Windows 7) I didn't want to make another article on this stuff but had use for it. wallpaper-in-windows-7-locked-down-by-domain-group-policy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer theme-allow-prevent-changing Carry ou...

Material Design for the Chrome App/Ext Store

    I don't work for Google but if I did I would show some love to the much needed chrome app & extension store. I would even take it further by making it have value to other browsers but that's another topic. Either way this article is able adding chrome's app/extensions to the store. Taking the Google Play Layout and add Chrome App/Ext Using the Google Play's layout as a template but fitting the needs of the Chrome Store's needs BACKGROUND-COLOR: #FFC107 background-image : url( …DAS7ZcAAAAGXRFWHRTb2Z0d2FyZQB3d3cuaW5rc2NhcGUub3Jnm+48GgAAAABJRU5ErkJggg== ) ; } Original Look Note  The Google Play Layout has a minor bug where if you have a cropped screen in half of the window and scroll right it will sometime make the menu disappear. It will reappear when you scroll down, if this was on purpose why not make it like a side-nav component. Links...

Continuous Integration for Browser Apps/Extensions?

    As far as I know none has thought of this idea but probably have. Sometime ago I had the chance to ask this question during an interview. I think interviews are a great opportunity to bound around ideas. and What I got out of this one was a statement on whether continuous integration would be very useful with green browsers (browser that update themselves and keep only two or so versions around). I don't think this statement hurts or impacts my idea. I'm was not looking at just testing my apps and extensions but to automating pushes to production and to detect future issues with newer versions of  browsers  which is what I think the point of I thought..     That being said its just an idea and maybe in the future I will implement it. I could there even spin up a couple more ideas off this one. Again not sure if anyone has thought of this, I think a lot of people in in web developers have moved away from making plug-ins and the only reason I'm t...

Chrome App: Can't Open app within a tab

    Currently using chrome 43 so this issue currently does exist but also is an very old one from the looks of it. It might seems silly to create an chrome app that simple opens up a link in a new tab but I thought it was so basic for my personally needs that it wouldn't be a problem. Plus I didn't plan on releasing most of the custom apps I created, simple just wanted to clean up some bookmarks and make them feel more like apps. There's also the possiblity to leverage them to be offline but that's outside the scope. What I've tried " in", chrome.tabs.create ( this is only for extentions but worth a shot ) Common issue seen     With the current bit of code I have thisn't what I see (image above) anymore but instead the tab just closes and nothing happens... Alternative solution    One of the basic ways around this is drag and drop a url in the chrome app panel, but I really don't like this...

Chrome Console Log Styling

     The devtools console is probably one of my best friend when it comes to web development and it just so happen that one day when I was randomly looking at the console while visiting facebook. What I found was some styles being applied to a console.log command. After looking a little into this cool new concept I found what many would find after doing a quick search. Example console.log( ' %c Hello World!' , 'color: white; background-color: black; font-size: 70px;' );      I really like the image example I found (in the resources), this just leaves me wondering what can't you do in the devtools console. I know awhile back I even saw that you can use "require" to install modules into chrome. Side Note     I learned there are two short-cuts to pull up the devtools console. There's Control-Shift J which I use and Control-Shift I. Probably will just stick with J though. Also this I already knew but just wanted to share because I think...

HTML5 Audio doesn't Autoplay for Chrome on Android

    Recently I was playing Penguins Rising on my nexus 7 and notice that the background music wasn't playing but strangely all the other sounds were. After a hard look at the code, I found no reason for the audio not to be work. So I could tell right away this wasn't going to be an easy fix. The first thing I did was check the support to see if   the HTML5 audio element  had any support issues. Since the support for the audio element seemed to be alright with what I was using, the next thing I thought was that it must be the attribute  autoplay . Its important to note that I am also using the loop attribute but I will return to that later. Example from Penguins Rising < audio autoplay loop > < source src = "content/ArcticWind.wav" type = "audio/wav" > < source src = "content/ArcticWind.ogg" type = "audio/ogg" > < source src = "mp3/ArcticWind.mp3" type = "audio/mpeg...

Flash Videos not in full view for the Chrome Browser

     For a while I had issues with Adobe Flash in the Chrome Browser, immediately my assumption was that I had a incompatibility issue with Adobe Flash. So I started installing older version  of Adobe Flash from   11.9.900.170 and back on Window Plateforms.  This did not help so I soon started my research which I did not bother to install older versions of Chrome since it had never been a problem before.  Resources (weren't helpful) No video in full-screen mode | Flash Player Adobe - Flash Player Adobe Community: Full Screen Mode is not working for adobe flash player Full screen mode - YouTube Help Adobe - Flash Player : Help - Display Settings My Solution     Turns out my problem wasn't caused by an update but by me and my playing around with settings. Which I never took into consideration since I don't often watch videos in Flash. If I can help it I will watch Youtube videos in HTML5. Also I was at the time of playing with...

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