Chrome Console Log Styling

     The devtools console is probably one of my best friend when it comes to web development and it just so happen that one day when I was randomly looking at the console while visiting facebook. What I found was some styles being applied to a console.log command. After looking a little into this cool new concept I found what many would find after doing a quick search.

console.log('%cHello World!', 'color: white; background-color: black; font-size: 70px;');

console log styling

     I really like the image example I found (in the resources), this just leaves me wondering what can't you do in the devtools console. I know awhile back I even saw that you can use "require" to install modules into chrome.

Side Note
    I learned there are two short-cuts to pull up the devtools console. There's Control-Shift J which I use and Control-Shift I. Probably will just stick with J though. Also this I already knew but just wanted to share because I think it's very important to know. You use control-L it will clear the devtools console.

Resources - haha. - More Shortcuts!

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