AngularJS: Facets in a Search Grid
Sometime back I really needed this code however it came a little too late and unfortunately didn't make it into the final product. However I have since then built a complete explain showing how to hand facets with little javascript code and with a whole lot of functionality!
Load appropriate facets, make a search. Update the UI, reload page if necessary but scale up for a single page application. Make things bookmarkable but don't lose that awesomeness from SPA's.
Example - I forget where I found this but its probably buried somewhere in my resources.
My Example
Javascript code
This is where I will implement the example but for now I have not included it yet.
It is mostly included and I only need to hookup the backend, however I'm working getting it live.
search - Multiple facets per field with Solr - Stack Overflow
Pretty URLs in AngularJS: Removing the # ♥ Scotch - used in the first example.
c# - URL with multiple parameters as a query string in ASP.NET - Stack Overflow
java - Handling multiple values for a single query parameter in a rest webservice url and handling them using hibernate criteria - Stack Overflow
Load appropriate facets, make a search. Update the UI, reload page if necessary but scale up for a single page application. Make things bookmarkable but don't lose that awesomeness from SPA's.
Example - I forget where I found this but its probably buried somewhere in my resources.
My Example
Javascript code
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []); myApp.controller('mainController', function($scope) { $scope.items = [{ item:"apples", flag: true }, { item:"oranges", flag: true }, { item:"pears", flag: false }]; $scope.itemsUnchanged = angular.copy($scope.items); $scope.allNeedsClicked = function () { var newValue = !$scope.allNeedsMet(); for (var i = 0; i < $scope.items.length; i++) { $scope.items[i].flag = newValue; } }; $scope.allNeedsMet = function () { var needsMet = []; for (var i = 0; i < $scope.items.length; i++) { if ($scope.items[i].flag === true) needsMet.push(true); } return (needsMet.length === $scope.items.length); }; $scope.update = function() { if (angular.equals($scope.items, $scope.itemsUnchanged)) { return "Not Changed"; } else { return "Changed"; } }; $scope.url = function(){ var url = []; //url = $scope.items[1].item; angular.forEach($scope.items, function(key, value) { if(key.flag) url.push(key.item); }); return url.toString(); } });Html Code
<h1>Catalog Facets</h1> {{update()}} <ul> <li><input type="checkbox" ng-click="allNeedsClicked()" ng-checked="allNeedsMet()"/>All <label></label> <ul ng-repeat="i in items"> <li><input type="checkbox" ng-model="i.flag"/>{{i.item}}</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <label>Single value Url Query:</label>/?fq={{url()}} <label style="float:left">Multi value Url Query:/?</label> <div style="float:left" ng-repeat="i in items"> <div ng-if="i.flag">fq={{i.item}} <span ng-if="items[$index+1].flag || items[$index+2].flag">&</span></div> </div>
It is mostly included and I only need to hookup the backend, however I'm working getting it live.
search - Multiple facets per field with Solr - Stack Overflow
Pretty URLs in AngularJS: Removing the # ♥ Scotch - used in the first example.
c# - URL with multiple parameters as a query string in ASP.NET - Stack Overflow
java - Handling multiple values for a single query parameter in a rest webservice url and handling them using hibernate criteria - Stack Overflow