
Showing posts with the label Entrepreneur

A Small Business's Expenses & Sustainability

    Back in 2018, I made the incredible life decision to purchase my shop. Since then I've been taking care of small maintenance problems that I was aware of around the time of my purchase. At the begin of 2019 I drove back and forth between Philly and my shop. Which meant keeping an eye on heat costs and a few roof leaks from afar. Now that I'm closer to my shop and I had a chance to take care of some of the things.   The first thing I did was look at the electrical system. To be more energy efficient I put the money down to upgrade to LED's.   Removing all ballasts helped, still I have a ton of plans to improve my efficient. For starters getting   off the grid which a neighbor currently is doing. Since electricity is my biggest expense at the moment its the first thing to be upgrade. Managing a web host company really only costs two things, electricity and internet. Luckily electricity isn't much but its where I ca...

Theory & Practice of Data Cleaning

   This is a topic that I found very interesting, however I find the industry's best practices to counterintuitive and in opposition of this very idea. In the near future I am making plans to attend multiple online classes pertaining in or around the subject, however I believe very little of it will be put into use professionally. Instead this is more for my own systems and business model. Since I'm limited by my hardware and the services I've created. Data backups need to be precise without question.     An Example of this very issue, on a project sometime ago  I built an application where the clients could upload image to update their profile. Simple enough however the system had no way of knowing if it was the same image or did any kind of file system clean up for images unattached to the profile. This part was left up to another developer, and wasn't a concern for the developer in regards to the sever's hard-drive space. The previ...

Bugging Out About Code

Its one battle after another battle and not one you can always win. I've watched good ideas die before they even had a chance but even worse bad ideas take over development. Its a difficult thing to watch. I think the most important things on how to approaching this issue comes down to these points. Encouraging & passinate work environment. people who don't understand will try and want to here. Strong co-worker relationship working alone is nice but teams should come together on certain projects or piceces of code. Clear Objective goals If you can't get support from your team/manager then use deadlines to beat the competition.  It gets harder at this point to not just complain about things or talk about my experience. Whic think could give some insight. Instead I'll just follow my last point and and the article with this. Passion is never a negative and there's always another problem to be solve so don't burn yourself out.

Not just Open Source, but Something a little more

For the most difficult parts of my career I have pushed for open source among my peers. The number one benfit being standardized code, a benefit for everyone involved. I've even drawn  a fine line for everyone I'm come across with to make it simple. If a user can see your code they can take it, so why not improve it with the help of others. Let others improve upon it or poke holes in it. I've also pointed out to nay sayers that it is a good idea not to make your code specific to an application's needs. Aboid sensitive information that can get tangled inside your logic. Separate it, mask and encrypt it do whatever you got to do. As for frontend code in the modern world, its like writting a book. Your core will be read by someone. If it's good enough people will repeat it. Which is what you should want, Just like books some of the pages are unnecessary or fill up the book with more context which can tie it down. Its on that idea why I adopted other people's code ...

Certificate Providers & ISPs

This was just a question I always wondered and a topic I'v been fascinated by. I think a lot of information out there is obscured and this done so purposefully. Its such a tough market but once your in your in. Certificates Becoming a X.509 Certificate Authority How can my organization become a Root CA? As a ISP company Start an ISP WiMAX leased-line-buyers-guide Satellite_phone Who provides the Internet service to Internet Service Providers (ISPs)? Similar Businesses

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