Error Importing Azure bacpac file to local Db error incorrect syntax near EXTERNAL
This article concerns the following Stack Overflow question: Error Importing Azure bacpac file to local db error incorrect syntax near EXTERNAL which also encountered. In my issues, I was dealing with a 5Gb file and could not edit the needed files.
Rather than using the accepted solution from the Stack Overflow link, I had to go through creating a new database on azure and removed the external authentication provider manually. I was able to export the database in the Azure portal which forced me to use then download it again in a blog so I could import locally.
I did run into this issue, Is there a way to successfully import a bacpac that exceeds 4GB in which I need to change the Collation? What I did was moved the file locally to the server, from there I was able to get around the limit. At least that's what I remember at the time of writing I had always completed this project but forgot to document it but I believe that is what I did.
Separated Environment
Because I couldn't connect to the production (in azure) or edit it even if I could, I created a new location to host the azure bacpac file and used another solution as described in the link. However I faced issues with that solution as well, mostly due to my need for MEMORY_OPTIMIZED tables' is not supported.
Does Azure SQL Database support In Memory Optimized Tables? What I did to over come this solution was increase the tier of the database in azure, if you dont know what tier you need just keep trying until you get the correct level because some features are only available in the higher levels. Just dont forget to take it down when you are done!