
Showing posts from June, 2019 Separate Product or ItemList Products?

This started to be a little be more of a challenge one night more then I thought. The issue was that I need to have position in my list of products. Which were in a ItemList when I used the itemtype in the same div I didn't have the option to add position ; a requirement for ItemListElement. This all came from about because I was simplifying my list of products by just displaying them on a single page with prices. I wanted to put them list however looking back after a long night I could have easily just listed them as separate Product types. So to summarize the issue I wanted to meet all the requirements from Google's Structured Data Tool and didn't think listing them as multiple Products was right and instead did them as ItemList. Not to be confused with ListItem which is a type that can be at the root but also under ItemListElement. Its all very confusing at first glance. The next question I asked...  Is it okay to have more than one Product Example: (this doesn

Angular + Bootstrap 4 Navbar with Right Dropdown

From reading the document on bootstrap (version: 4.3.1)  and comparing my notes from version 3. There doesn't seem to be an example for a right dropdown with a navbar. Flexboxes can be a challenge and moving from bootstrap 3 isn't but here is some solutions. Examples - -  (icon on the right) - With Queryjs  I should probably put this in another article, still I'm killing two birds with one stone.

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