
Showing posts with the label Faceballs

Unity3D: Notes for My Next Game Part 6

     Continuing from my last note on my game and where I've landed on a few problems. This has become one of my projects on the bottom of the list. However I've been making it number two as of lastly and couldn't be happier with the break I took from it. Some of my designs were quickly being scrapped at I was developing so I took a step back. It might seem like I'm stalling on this project and honestly I think I am but I want it to actually be fun to play and that my only concern. Local Network Multiplayer  I'm not sure how far I want to go with it but I have a basic setup. Platform based Camera I will go over this in a video in the future. Character Movement limited to walking and power ups that randomly appear on the field. Objects are random positions and different speeds. Music for splash screen is a perfect fit! I'm concern about some of my code not functioning in multiplayer mode, even if its only local.

Unity: Notes for My Next Game V

    So I broke  one of my own rules, which was staying on task. With a lot of my notes being scattered all over the place the last few weeks it has been difficult to keep track of things. I have accomplish a lot, but I think I will go back to publishing my notes to better focus on my deadline.  I could have written the notes and just not publish them but I think it would be a waste of time,  especially  since I was already using a issue tracker. Publish these article forces my hand to show what I've got (which may not look like much for this article but I'll let you be the judge).  Notes:     I wanted to start getting my game in a playable state and since a lot of the small things bugged me. I just had to get them working right. I started worked on the things that just make it difficult to control my player but I did spend too much time on the player's character model. Controls on Android are not helpful with PC controls . Pc to ...

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