
Showing posts with the label Solr

My Career at Coriell Institute and Personal Achievements

     The time  has come where I need a change in my career and sadly that requires me to leave my current position at Coriell Institute . So just like what I did way  back in 2013 with Northern Safety , I thought I would wrap things up in an article and look back on my achievements.  Achievements (Order of Completion) The ones with asterisks are ones I built in groups.  Atlas Project - Storage Module -   Provided an interface to store unique data sets in multi-forms . Coriell Bio-Repository Catalog *  Atlas Project - Manager Module -  Provided managers to control other user to access data. Blits Project - Modules   Issues & Repairs* - Reported equipment  that were broken or had problems. Inspections* - Collected equipment w/ schedules for inspections.  Maintenance - Collected equipment  for  regular maintenance and  setup schedules.  Dashboard* - G raphical dashboard ...

Running Solr on Google Cloud

    Google App Engine has gone under a great number of changes and originally I set out to use it to my advantage but instead went through Google's cloud platform to run solr on a virtual machine. This gave me a lot more flexibility and didn't require to change any of Solr's source code. In theory changing the source code to handle the file system available through app engine would work.       I'm not going to get into the steps of how I did this, I think it's pretty straight forward, setup your linux vm and install java, then set up tomcat with Solr. With my catalog-demo, I used the site to proxy to the vm and gave the vm permission to only my web site's IP. The links below are docs that give more information on that. As far as costs go, it is very cheap to spin up a machine and to get the Solr server running. However I'm not happy with the solution and know I can create an even better solution so I've shutdown the server and started looking at other ...

AngularJS: Facets in a Search Grid

    Sometime back I really needed this code however it came a little too late and unfortunately didn't make it into the final product. However I have since then built a complete explain showing how to hand facets with little javascript code and with a whole lot of functionality! Requirements Load appropriate facets, make a search. Update the UI, reload page if necessary but scale up for a single page application. Make things bookmarkable but don't lose that awesomeness from SPA's. Example  - I forget where I found this but its probably buried somewhere in my resources. My Example Javascript code var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []); myApp.controller('mainController', function($scope) { $scope.items = [{ item:"apples", flag: true }, { item:"oranges", flag: true }, { it...

Using Solr Schema, Fields and Documents

Introduction     This is a little of a jump but I think its an important place to start because of the topics explain how Solr Works as well as how to use it toward your project. So For now lets just pretend you have solr running and just want to know how Solr takes data. Take it from me read the Reference Guide at least once as it is an easy read and very useful. I take a lot of the material in it and summarize it for my own use so that I can brush up on concepts.  How to think of Solr     As the Reference Guide would say "Solr is like a loose-leaf book of recipes, every time you add an new recipe you update the index in the back". Solr allows you to index with fields or types and by giving solr the fields data type you tell solr how to index.  Scheme, Fields and Documents      This is where you tell Solr how to index the data that gets imported, but what is a scheme with the fields? Information for solr is sorted by f...

An Introduction to Solrnet

Introduction      This article about the Solrnet project as you might have guessed from the title.. but you might ask what is Solrnet and why you would want to add it to your MVC application? The answer to that question is indexed searching ! You probably should have an understanding of what the Apache Solr Project is and if you don't know about this project you probably would be just as lost as I was just a month ago. As a .net developer I rarely step into the Java world, but at times it's helpful to see how the other half live.  Don't get me wrong I love Java as much as I love C# (they are more alike than different) but for a lot of my applications; I don't really have a reason to. However the Apache Solr Project changed my mind, and if it hasn't already it should change yours. I'm not talking about jumping ship and using Java but a little doesn't hurt and with Solrnet you really don't need to use any java (just run it the side).  Some backgro...

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