Entity Framework: ToListAynsc & WhereAsync
When upgrading aspnet mvc applications I like to take a look on how I can convert the api's to async. This sometimes is really easy but as things get more complex my queries do as well. So this is a list of ways you can form a where clause on top your async but note not all solutions take advantage of it.
Entity Framework Core provides a set of asynchronous extension methods that can be used as an alternative to the LINQ methods that cause a query to be executed and results returned. Examples include
, ToArrayAsync()
, SingleAsync()
, etc. There are not async versions of LINQ operators such as Where(...)
, OrderBy(...)
, etc. because these methods only build up the LINQ expression tree and do not cause the query to be executed in the database.- https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/32160/filtering-a-collection-by-an-async-result
- Filtering a collection by an async result, built an extension method called WhereAsync.
public static async Task<IEnumerable<T>> WhereAsync2<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, Func<T, Task<bool>> predicate)
var itemTaskList = items.Select(item=> new {Item = item, PredTask = predicate.Invoke(item)}).ToList();
await Task.WhenAll(itemTaskList.Select(x=>x.PredTask));
return itemTaskList.Where(x=>x.PredTask.Result).Select(x=>x.Item);
- https://forums.asp.net/t/1978783.aspx?Running+LINQ+to+SQL+query+async+
Running LINQ to SQL query async
- Wrap with a task, Task.Run(() => { }
- https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/UploadFile/4b0136/working-with-asynchronous-programming-with-entity-framework/
- public async static Task<List<Student>> GetAllStudentsAsync(){MyDatabaseEntities db = new MyDatabaseEntities();var query = from item in db.Studentsselect item;return await query.ToListAsync();}