Sharing Blogger links on Facebook

    Publishing to all my media profiles can be a tedious task which is why I use IFTTT ( thanks to a colleague for introducing to it). However I notice a small problem with facebook, which selects an image that is apart of my social media profiles. I didn't intend for this to happen but it only appears to happen when I don't already have an image in the article that is posted.

Watch out for images greater than 200x200!

The image I originally used was greater than 200x200 and because of it facebook simply cropped the top and bottom. With a quick adjust in gimp I was able to correct this and now appears just how I want.

      <meta content='yourUrl' property='og:image'/>

Final look in the thumbnail

How to show particular image as thumbnail while implementing share on Facebook? - Stack Overflow
Facebook Debugger tool - Mostly interested in og:type

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