
Showing posts from August, 2015

Entity Framework 6: Pull in Child Entities with Async WebAPI 2.0

    Just a quick piece of code to get all the children under a given parent. The solutions is pretty straight forward but took sometime to think about since I wanted to keep the result asynchronous. I was also thinking of how I would use scaffolds creates other apis with my models. Code: db . Product . Include(x => x . ProductChildren) . SingleOrDefaultAsync(x  =>  x . Id  ==  id); Notes:     Its late at nite (so no judging...) but I wanted to get my thoughts down and explore this code for a bit. The piece code is async but my question is does it pull the child entities after it has filter down on the parent id? Or does it pulls in all the children before it has filtered down on a particular partent id and if not wouldn't a more proper way to do it be more something like... db . Product . FindAsync(id).Include(x => x . ProductChildren); This code doesn't work of course, since the Include doesn't exist for 'FindAsync' but eith...

Svn Merging Dev/Prod with TortoiseSVN

    For some of my  professional  projects I don't get to choose the environment and when that happens I'm forced to learn or re-learn in this case certain tools/technologies. I can't take complete credit for this article as it was mostly written by a previous co-worker however nothing here is secretive and it shouldn't be; since none of it is  proprietary .  Merging from Trunk to Branch   After making any change in trunk, immediately merge those changes to the branch, Make sure your working copy of your branch has no un-commited changes. Open command prompt and change into tortise bin folder. Usually: c:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin\  Update your branch working copy with the following command: TortoiseProc.exe /command:update /path:C:\ Development \ YOURPROJECT Replace the path parameter with the actual path to your branch working copy Run the following command: TortoiseProc.exe /command:merge /fromurl:https:/ /subversion...

Continuous Integration for Browser Apps/Extensions?

    As far as I know none has thought of this idea but probably have. Sometime ago I had the chance to ask this question during an interview. I think interviews are a great opportunity to bound around ideas. and What I got out of this one was a statement on whether continuous integration would be very useful with green browsers (browser that update themselves and keep only two or so versions around). I don't think this statement hurts or impacts my idea. I'm was not looking at just testing my apps and extensions but to automating pushes to production and to detect future issues with newer versions of  browsers  which is what I think the point of I thought..     That being said its just an idea and maybe in the future I will implement it. I could there even spin up a couple more ideas off this one. Again not sure if anyone has thought of this, I think a lot of people in in web developers have moved away from making plug-ins and the only reason I'm t...

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