
Certificate Providers & ISPs

This was just a question I always wondered and a topic I'v been fascinated by. I think a lot of information out there is obscured and this done so purposefully. Its such a tough market but once your in your in. Certificates Becoming a X.509 Certificate Authority How can my organization become a Root CA? As a ISP company Start an ISP WiMAX leased-line-buyers-guide Satellite_phone Who provides the Internet service to Internet Service Providers (ISPs)? Similar Businesses

Jquery Cheatsheet

Time to time I still use jquery and honestly don't have too many complaints about using jquery over more modern frameworks. Either way keep coming back to this page for reminders or small bugs in my code that I forget to add. I think the best approach for anyone is to create plugins for their needs and just keep expending around that. Javascript - Event order lightbox for images, videos, YouTube, iframes, ajax deferred.always() | jQuery API Documentation .trigger() | jQuery API Documentation jQuery advantages/differences in .trigger() vs .click() - Stack Overflow jQuery BlockUI Plugin How to detect pressing enter on keyboard using jquery? - Stack Overflow jquery - Last element in .each() set - Stack Overflow jQuery event.preventDefault() not working in Firefox (JSFiddle included) jquery - Checking to see if AJAX response is empty and other problems javascript - jQuery's $(form).submit() not firing for IE only (MVC3 app) javascript - How can I refresh a page with

Travis-Ci & Saucelabs Environment Variables

Firebase's example on how to auto deploy with Travis shows us a more secure way rather than how I did.  fassetar/jquery-maskmoney  if I can create a similar approach with this project I would feel better about the security. More coming soon...

Presteps to Making My Own CMS Part II

Before I try to create my own cms I looked recreating  some middlware for blogger. To be clear I didn't create my own database layer simple used Oauth and the blogger api's with a re-skinned UI/UX using Material Angular. I also created some tools for myself awhile I'm using the app and started creating a backup on github process like I talked about a few years back.

Powershell Cheatsheet

   One of the things that I have been getting use to is powershell, I'm not a server administrator.  Or at least if I'm going to be one I prefer linux. Most of my server are and I'm going to have a update here once I get my lab setup. For now this is how I manage my job and correct the systems that have gone wild. https://sta

Git Cheatsheet

I'm always handling the code wherever I go so maybe its time I shared my notes. I'm really surprised but I should with my experience how many developers don't know git. msysgit - git: 'credential-cache' is not a git command How do I update the password for Git? How do you attach a new pull request to an existing issue on github Squash commits! I'm always forgetting this and its really simple to do if you remember both commands. git rebase -i xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx git push --force origin master "where xxxxxxxxxx is the SHA of the commit upto which I've to squash" .  Get username git config Change Email git config Caching Password on Windows. git config --global credential.helper wincred More coming soon...

Gimp Cheatsheet

I really should just get a graphic's designer to do all my work but that's probably the words of every developer has said. I don't have the skills or patience but sometimes my needs are very simple and that's really what I work with for my games. Someday I'll pay for one, maybe when I make actually money off my games. How to Smooth an Images Edge After Resizing - YouTube GIMP White Background Removal Tutorial - YouTube Pixilze an Image More coming soon..

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