
HTML5 Audio doesn't Autoplay for Chrome on Android

    Recently I was playing Penguins Rising on my nexus 7 and notice that the background music wasn't playing but strangely all the other sounds were. After a hard look at the code, I found no reason for the audio not to be work. So I could tell right away this wasn't going to be an easy fix. The first thing I did was check the support to see if   the HTML5 audio element  had any support issues. Since the support for the audio element seemed to be alright with what I was using, the next thing I thought was that it must be the attribute  autoplay . Its important to note that I am also using the loop attribute but I will return to that later. Example from Penguins Rising < audio autoplay loop > < source src = "content/ArcticWind.wav" type = "audio/wav" > < source src = "content/ArcticWind.ogg" type = "audio/ogg" > < source src = "mp3/ArcticWind.mp3" type = "audio/mpeg&qu

An Introduction to the Hero Engine

    The Hero Engine was actually the first Game Engine I was introduced to, and to be honest I really didn't get into it very much just because I didn't quite see the point of a license agreement. I also had wanted do things my way and  does but with all the extra lifting for you with media content for the most part. I will be skipping the installation part since for me it was very specific with files and such, and I didn't encountered any problems.    After everything has been installed I started from:  How to write a script  and then going moving my way up to writing  Your First HSL Script . In the documentation it was recommended to attempt or understand the server side script and be taken along side with the client side tutorial. However I skipped the server side tutorial since I already knew the methods behind it. So far from what I've seen and done, I consider the Hero Engine to be pretty much in the same perspective as a browser but of course with a lot more f

Orchard: Filter out Content Types From Restricted Users.

I want to be very clear I did not write this code but it was provided to me and I was given permission by a colleague of mine to submit it.. To respect his privacy I will not be able to provide his name but on his behalf I did submit the code to help improve the orchard project. To explain it a little bit what the purpose of this code edit, it is to filter out content that is editable but the user does not have the permissions to create them. Normal what Orchard would do is display all creatable content and if a user clicks on a particular content type that is restricted it simply replies to the user that they do not have access to it. However with a lot of CMS projects I have developed it is sometimes better to simply hide what the user can not or should not be able to do. Less questions come up and even less problems are seen from the user's perspective. This is what I consider to be a best practice to provide the user with a good experience. The Location : \ orchard

Jquery Ajax with BlockUI Plugin

    I love making Ajax calls and if a user is interacting with a page and doesn't need to refresh or be redirected to another page than an Ajax call is the best thing to use in my opinion. With my best efforts I try to give my users an experience where every action has a result. This means everything even if the reaction is simple or does nothing more than alert the user. I like to let the user know that all is fine and meant to be the way it is. If an error happens they should be alerted as well. Which I should also try to prevent and recover from, but what about with an ajax call that takes a while to process? Well I have been using a really cool process with my code where I can display to my users that the process is going through. With "Please wait..." message users can see it is order is being processed and controls will returned to them when it has completed.     You can see an example here  and to go a step further then this I thought this would be a cool place t

Recover Deleted Posts in Blogger

    This article is to share what I think is the easiest and fastest way to recover delete blog post on blogger. Which I really needed to know for myself with one of my previous articles First off do not delete your browser history! If you have you will not be able to do it the way I'm about to explain but hopefully can still try other means defined in the resources. I also believe you can't have it be a post that you published but I did not confirm this. Thankfully the actual data isn't deleted and lucky for us it's just hiding on the servers waiting for us to find it. In Chrome     I could show you how to do this in every browser but the concept is very much the same in all of them, we are just trying to go back to the specific view where we can edit the post. If you're like me and jump around a lot between drafts you'll have a lot to search through. Still this is better than completely starting over. URL Example : ~/blogger.g?blogID= yourId #editor/targ

Fiddler Tutorial/Notes

    I after using Fiddler for a few years now, I wanted to jot some notes down for myself so I don't forget. I really like using fiddler and most of the time I prefer using it over the developer tools inside chrome just because I can use it across different browsers at the same time. This Saves me a lot hassle in opening the developer tool everytime but you might ask what is fiddler? "Its a web Proxy", where you can debug traffic calls, test the network performance and tons more stuff.  Fiddler is a .net application and will not run on other platforms however you can point clients to a host machine that is able to run fiddler and debug from there. Notes Traffic Import- Seeing a client's web experience. FiddlerCap  - lightweight version of fiddler more for client users, to allow you to see specific http request and responses even if you not on that network. Example problems that you can use this for: DNS corruption Poison DNS or other known as DNS spoofin

An Introduction to Cryengine

    This is an introduction to the Cryengine  3.0 which I started using a while back for a side project to began exploring the possibilities to develop future projects with. My hope is to some day create a "triple A game" or at least one that is console based. Infact that was what I loved about developing on the XNA framework. Thankfully the Cryengine comes with tons of documents and even a demo game for me to play with.  The sdk itself ran pretty smoothly on my machine but I did have difficulties getting pass a few bugs which never repeated after my first attempt. Also it seemed to me some of the configurations were being set to my machine rather than to the Cryengine solution itself which I didn't like. Questions Just a list of things I asked myself as I was starting out. How do I start it? Inside the 64 or 32 bit version bin folders select either the Sandbox or the Cryengine program. How do I compile it? The game comes precompiled and it updated on changes in th

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