
UI-Bootstrap Collapsible Sticky Footer

    I could have done this a lot of ways and ultimately I made it work with javascript modifying the class names. I also had to create multiple class names which I didn't like to much, I might come back and improve this but for now this is was I got. Also I call bootstrap+angularjs = ui-bootstrap, not sure if that's common sense but thought I should include it somewhere in my notes. Working Example: This little css was key to prevent any kind of animation on the collapse, which would result in a scrollbar appearing on the body. A scrollbar can appear when the content's too long but not on the sticky foot duh! .no-animate { transition-duration: 0.0125s; } Research Angular-UI Bootstrap Collapse without animation - Stack Overflow  - Was looking at this to see if I could reuse it but I ended but just doing my own thing. Another way which I've seen Using a sticky

My Patco Now Runs on Firebase

   Over the past two months I've do to made a critical decision due to costs and completely redid the backend for mypatco. Of course there was breaking changes but that wasn't related to the bad reviews that came in (caused by another developer). Instead of using azure now the app is hosted on firebase which everything I need starts out for free. Key Features Free Https Later needed for Geolocations Free use of Custom Domain  *Databasing (real-time) Json type database greatly reduces time for developing with api's Static Hosting Plugins for Angular with Database Authentication The first two really sold me on the idea but the static hosting had me worried since a lot of my data was handle at the middle tier level. Pretty soon though I had my data flatten and it just made sense but the process of updating my database is still in the works luckily though not all my code had to be scraped. To get the database corrected I still have my azure code to handle th

D3js Pie Chart with Toggle for 3D/2D View

   I found an example that does this already out there however I found it on accident after playing around with the code. I know that any examples with a 3D pie-chart would help to get me started but I didn't think any example would just have a straight shot answer. Here are links to both the used example and my example to play around with the chart. Even got a cool toggle button going on! The trick is to play with the inner radius parameter in the Donut3D js file. Solution: Research

A Better Material UI/UX SwipeRefreshLayout Style

    When I was thinking of the designs for mypatco, I decided to use a pulling down gesture to handle user requests for updating train schedules. If your not familiar with android's UI/UX jump to what the images to get what I mean. Default UI/UX The Issue with my design     At first this is what I did and where I ran into trouble with is when I was loading in the data I would use a second spinner. The pull to refresh spinner would disappear but for a split moment both spinners would be in the user's view. This was a design fail in implementation, and I didn't better design for fixing this. Material Up version   I don't like this version of the pull to refresh but I wanted to include it because I think its interesting it combines what I would call the old style of Google's spinner with a "pull to refresh" gesture. The correct way would be to use the material progress bar. The spinner used in this image is too large for its parent container an

Firebase Realtime Data - "setPersistenceEnabled() must be made before any other usage"

    Just a small issue I encountered with my android app with how to correctly implement firebase real time data to be persistent. I did found a few notices on how to correct this and most of them was just making the database instance static or with a flag to see if the object wasn't already created. A better solution would be having the later version of the object handle this in a method. What I did was just wrap it with my own object and create a method like its explained in the github issue. The purpose of this post is really just make the information more available and public so the documents get updated or the code get addressed. Code public class FirebaseUtil { private static FirebaseDatabase mDatabase ; public static FirebaseDatabase getDatabase() { if ( mDatabase == null ) { mDatabase = FirebaseDatabase. getInstance (); mDatabase .setPersistenceEnabled( true ); } return mDatabase ; } } Usage DatabaseRef

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