Asp.Net MVC Warning Msg: "Consider app.config Remapping of Assembly"
I don't like to ignore warnings if I can help it so looking at the output window in Visual Studio I can see the following message listed in the title. I make it my goal once a project is working and completely setup to go back and clean out as many warnings as possible which in most cases I do this while I'm working. There are a lot of ways to see this warning message but one of the reasons that it appears for me is from updating packages. For one reason or another some packages aren't updating properly and the older versions are still being pointed to in one or more webconfigs.
There are two approaches I have found to solve this, one is updating the webconfigs manually which will require you to look at the packages and versions being pointed to in the webconfigs. Or you can try the using Nuget command console. Targeting just the packages that appears in the warning message, and re-installing. This sometimes will work but if that fails there is a step had to I try. Which was re-installing all the packages for my project. This worked but depending on how many packages you use in your solution it could take awhile. Regardless hope you don't see this warning message and since it was just a problem in my case with a few packages breaking during the update with MVC4 to MVC5. Otherwise you probably wouldn't see this warning message, still the links below helped me and I hope they do you the same.
How to solve warning: Consider app.config remapping of assembly : Microsoft ASP.NET Forums
visual studio express 2012 app.config remapping assembly - Stack Overflow
Retargeting solution from .Net 4.0 to 4.5 - how to retarget the NuGet packages? - Stack Overflow
Reinstalling Nuget Packages - Hopefully you don't have to do this!
Upgrading target framework from 4.0 to 4.5 for ASP.NET MVC applications -MSDN Blogs
There are two approaches I have found to solve this, one is updating the webconfigs manually which will require you to look at the packages and versions being pointed to in the webconfigs. Or you can try the using Nuget command console. Targeting just the packages that appears in the warning message, and re-installing. This sometimes will work but if that fails there is a step had to I try. Which was re-installing all the packages for my project. This worked but depending on how many packages you use in your solution it could take awhile. Regardless hope you don't see this warning message and since it was just a problem in my case with a few packages breaking during the update with MVC4 to MVC5. Otherwise you probably wouldn't see this warning message, still the links below helped me and I hope they do you the same.
How to solve warning: Consider app.config remapping of assembly : Microsoft ASP.NET Forums
visual studio express 2012 app.config remapping assembly - Stack Overflow
Retargeting solution from .Net 4.0 to 4.5 - how to retarget the NuGet packages? - Stack Overflow
Reinstalling Nuget Packages - Hopefully you don't have to do this!
Upgrading target framework from 4.0 to 4.5 for ASP.NET MVC applications -MSDN Blogs