
Showing posts from June, 2017

Project Base Organization

For ever idea and project that has popped in my head, I created a folder. And for over the past six years I've used this approach with some success. Or maybe I'm bias cause I enjoy using this approach. Either way  I do think I've make some headway especially in the last year. For example mypatco is a folder, mostly filled with android, firebase and gcloud links. For more complex problems where the answer isn't in a link. There's my blog or google docs. From there I have kind of a system where a read me file that explains were I left off. Other files are broken up based on the problems or task I need to achieve. All are referenced in the read me and from there I determine my goals are being meet.      More recently I have taken this same approach to a git repo server. Just like any application in a repo things pretty much the same.looking back I guess I was always following a practice kind like waterfall or agile but that was before I knew what they were. Very inter...

Can't Join Them, Rebuild Them

For a while now I've changed my thoughts on how I want to move forward in my career. If I can't get a job at the company I want then I'll start making my own. With all the benefits that comes with it and along the way maybe help current and future employers (but its mostly for me). Building large enterprise systems that not only meet the same level of other big name company applications but have a concise and simpler architecture for performance and development . Leaving me with zero question on the implementation. List of Apps Note - Started Share notes between different accounts on same device or just different accounts. Blog - (based off blogger/orchard recipes extended) better syntax writing, no external system needed. github backup and unit testing for html markup.(maybe link testing with junit) direct api services  better theming and default server values json based recipes rather than xml Analytics - Started  mobile features mobile navbar and ...

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