
Don't Prompt for Permissions without the User's Direct Interaction

For all the applications out there! Stop pushing for permissions and stop probing for information without reason. Regardless of your necessity for a feature a user is the right for not installing or using an app without clear intent. Action from the user are a direct link from the developer to the client for clear reason and intent on why they need permissions. I see this now and again with website using geo-location and never giving a reason on why the need the permissions but sure enough its the first prompt I get on their site...  This why I really like the recent changes with android its a little annoying for coding but the information needed for the user on why you need some information is clear. I always have to fight with project managers on whats initiate and I can be more direct on why I need something than from what you are asking me to do. There is still room for error (security issues) with a client if they still don't trust an application which I always say they can j...

VS 2015 - The Operation Could not be Completed Invalid Pointer

This bug appears to happen in both visual studio 2015 and 2010 but I've only run into it for 2015. I'm not sure what I did to cause this other maybe moving around projects. I don't think that was the cause but I do sometimes delete the appdata folder. My solution for this bug is simple delete the AppData folder again (hahah).   I found from other sites that is the  ComponentModelCache folder  specifically that you want to delete. It goes without saying close all visual studio windows before doing this.   Folder Under: C:\Users\{YourUsername}\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\14.0\ ComponentModelCache

User-Agent Styled Web Applications

   This idea came from awhile back when I was working on my project rustkickers. The purpose of the site is to provide documentation on all things motor related. While working on a demo for the site used a old car manual to create some of the designs. That goes me thinking why not make multiple site designs around different car manufactures. Then even further down the rabbit I landed here, which is what this article. Another thought but a cool one I think and yes I know you can't trust the user-agent but it doesn't matter its just the style not the content.  Intial Solution Optimizing content for different browsers Filter based on webkit Chrome conditional comments Is there any equivalent to IE conditional comment for chrome and safari? IE10 CSS Hacks load webfonts through the offline storage cache manifest After playing around with this idea for awhile I figured handling this is the frontend at all was not worth it because of performance. Unless your lo...

Fixing Chrome Settings - Windows Registry

Take a look at your policies! Always messing with things and there are three keys when it comes to chrome that need to be setup probably for you to enjoy the internet. Check them out either with "regedit" or chrome://policy/ Adding the correct Policies! “Sign in to Chrome” missing; No syncing options in chrome://settings Can’t update, can’t sync? no problem. just add these three keys, even if the Chrome key isn’t there just create it and add the children keys. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Update\UpdateDefault HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\SigninAllowed HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\SyncDisabled @="0" Extra Registry Stuff (Windows 7) I didn't want to make another article on this stuff but had use for it. wallpaper-in-windows-7-locked-down-by-domain-group-policy HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer theme-allow-prevent-changing Carry ou...

Jquery Plugin: Testing with (SauceLabs, Qunit, Travis-CI)

After looking around I found a project that worked great on desktop but not on so much mobile I figured I would fork it and figure out how I could improve. Build on Travis: Build on Sauce Labs: Since don’t need to write the tests I simply want to run the tests on multiple devices so I can see them fail on mobile. Using the  jquery-boiler as an example for creating the setup, I ran into multiple issues which I was able to correct as some heavy reading. Docs: http://sauce...

Definitions for Business Model Canvas

For awhile I've been taking classes online for entrepreneurship this is just one of many articles I will be writing. Here this the start of them and some notes for myself, under the label "business". Value Propositions - an innovation, service, or feature intended to make a company or product attractive to customers. Customer segmentation - is the practice of dividing a customer base into groups of individuals that are similar in specific ways relevant to marketing, such as age, gender, interests and spending habits. Customer segmentation, also called consumer segmentation or client segmentation, procedures include: Deciding what data will be collected and how it will be gathered Collecting data and integrating data from various sources Developing methods of data analysis for segmentation Establishing effective communication among relevant business units (such as marketing and customer service) about the segmentation Implementing applications t...

Firebase Database with App Indexing

 Since the release of MyPatco a lot has improved and one of the major improvements was changing the backend architect. For the user this meant faster data in real-time. As well as a smaller app because most the data is handled in the plugin. However recently I've been contacting the firebase team with little success on making a firebase datase indexable for Google search. This is by design as the sitemap for the domain on the database prevents indexing. Note that the domin used for your firebase database is different from your your firebase hosting. The only solution currently around this as I know is hosting the database in gcloud as well as the website to edit the sitemap. As of 4/20/2017 from firebase team - " Our engineering team has confirmed that we don't support crawling non-HTTP network traffic like UDP, and the crawl failures you see in Search   Console's   Fetch As Google tool won't   block   your apps from being indexed by Google and getting re-engag...

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