
Mono GTK on Windows

 I'd like to use visual studio but visual code with mono.exe on the side is what I'm currently doing. I'm able to get WinForms to work however I'm running into difficult trying to run GTK on windows.  Unhelp Q/A - its unhelp because I already have the complier working and referencing the package properly. Its just windows doesnt pick up GTK inorder to run it. Possible Solution GTK Notes mcs -r:"C:\Program Files\Mono\lib\gtk-sharp-2.0\gtk-sharp.dll" -r:"C:\Program Files\Mono\lib\gtk-sharp-2.0\glib-sharp.dll" -r:"C:\Program Files\Mono\lib\gtk-sharp-2.0\atk-sharp.dll" hello.cs mono hello.exe Unhandled Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Coul

Windows & Service Development

 As a consultant I've been able to start developing application and services at the lower levels of the operating system. Which is pretty interesting compared to what I use to do. I find myself doing the same thing with my web development. WPF -,NET%20Framework%203.0%20in%202006. Understanding the .NET family

EFCore - Parallel Async

This is no longer needed but maybe can be used for real-time example projects. Currently dont have any use for it. I've also been moving away from EF in favor for Dapper, still using tasks that might be unless until I write myself an example.

Handling Raw Html

For sometime now I've been at a point in my research to find the proper way to handle raw html. Sometimes you need your api to push raw html with syntax that can't be edited once its submitted.  Handling all html in a 2D array where the first in just the html tag and the second is a child's value which can also be a html tag. { ["p"]["test"]  This may also be another case to start my project with a headless orchard core project. Using fluid syntax might be the better way to allow an api to take information and using a custom javascript library to convert html to the api? 

Image Enhancement Research

For some of the projects I have in mind this would be a great way to handle poor quality images, for example schematics that have low pixels. From there I would have an easier time convert to svg files but that is a project later down the road. For now this is something I need to keep in mind of. msmsajjadi/EnhanceNet-Code: EnhanceNet: Single Image Super-Resolution Through Automated Texture Synthesis (official repository)

Linux: Managing Security & System Logs

Not a linux novice by any means, so this last year (2019) I had been tracking logs on my server. I'll come back to this article and clean it up but incase I dont these definitely helped me track things until I start using a third party tool. sudo ip6tables -I INPUT -m geoip --src-cc IT,FI,GB,CA,MX,CN,DE,TR,ID,RU,IN,IL,BR -j DROP  cat /var/log/auth.log | grep 'Connection closed' |  tail -n 40 sudo iptables -L  iptables -A INPUT -m state --state INVALID -j DROP Notes

ReUsed Flexcode ADOC Connection

Back in 2019 I was working for a consulting firm which this came in handle, I dont think I will ever need to go back to an ERP system and specially dont think I will need to work with flexcode again. Still this was something that I found and might help someone else. Public Sub Database_Connection()  Do      If cn1.State = 1 Then Exit Sub      On Error Resume Next      Set cn1 = macForm.ConnInfo.OpenADOConn      On Error GoTo 0  Loop  End Sub

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