Not Autocomplete but Autofill
After a long process of rebuilding a login page and since the first time I rebuilt a login page which was way back in 20012 or so. I've learned that a great deal of things but one change still comes to mind. I ran into an issue with ios/ie/chrome browsers "auotfilling" user & passwords. This auto-fill doesn't happening with the autocomplete function but its a new features. One that I've seen but ignored at that point because I haven't mess around with it. After all is said and done I choice to now use any of the solutions in my notes. I have yet to find a solution that I like meaning one that isn't a workaround. With autocomplete its simple to just disable but until this features has a html equivalent I will not be fixing it. As the behavior is built in and based on the browser. Meaning the user has more control over it then I do. Notes: Disabling Safari autofill on usernames and passwords Disable auto correct in Safari text input https://caniu...