
Bootstrap: Mobile Integer Input

Its comes to my attention that handling integers suck and probably as much for me as it does the users. Who's got time to plug in a number? In a lot of cases I've default to an text input instead of a integer type because I hate the way browsers display it. That side toggle doesn't work on mobile and isn't very intuitive. So instead I'm using these displays, a slider and a "input spinner"(not the name I would have given it but I'm going with it). I ha rols ve use cases for both styles of these inputs. The slider works great on mobile and in cases where the integer is small works to speed up input. The second is more of a fall back and works on almost everything. Examples:

Unity Editor freezing After Initial Start

     For about three month now I've been working on a little project in unity3d. The project is simple I have a udp socket in c++ and I want to communicate with it in my game. Currently it works great going out to my server. I can see all the requests and the speed is awesome! However here comes the big issue, unity after its first run freezes. Hard nothing is responding and the editor is completely useless until I close it and open it back up. For two weeks I stopped programming because of this, it was a stopping point for me until I figured out what was happening. At first I thought it was the game and after doing some reading messed around with the settings. With my issue it had nothing to do with rending/lighting.     It just happening to come to me last week after reading an article on threading. It was the last bit of code they gave as an example about proper closing a thread. Which got me thinking about my issue, I think unity is holding on to the upd c...

Not Autocomplete but Autofill

After a long process of rebuilding a login page and since the first time I rebuilt a login page which was way back in 20012 or so. I've learned that a great deal of things but one change still comes to mind. I ran into an issue with ios/ie/chrome browsers "auotfilling" user & passwords. This auto-fill doesn't happening with the autocomplete function but its a new features. One that I've seen but ignored at that point because I haven't mess around with it. After all is said and done I choice to now use any of the solutions in my notes. I have yet to find a solution that I like meaning one that isn't a workaround. With autocomplete its simple to just disable but until this features has a html equivalent I will not be fixing it. As the behavior is built in and based on the browser. Meaning the user has more control over it then I do. Notes: Disabling Safari autofill on usernames and passwords Disable auto correct in Safari text input https://caniu...

Indeepth: Inheritance with the prototype chain

These notes are for none else but me, because I need them for a bigger project. No time to explain...C# and javascript are completely different worlds. let f = function ( ) { this . a = 1 ; this . b = 2 ; } let o = new f ( ) ; // {a: 1, b: 2} - you need the 'let' beause f.a will not exist. - - - - -

Host ASP.NET Core on Linux with Nginx (Additional Notes)

I could submit this to the repo but like the half blood prince, I'm keeping all the good stuff for myself. Plus it would have to go through the proper channels and who's got time for that. Instead I'm just want to get back to working on my applications and handling multiple applications is time consuming. Framework Issues ran into issue where the frameworks were not the same on the linux box as my machine. However the errors were not helpful to figure this out. Exporting Issues  - I just keep forgetting the command and you can ignore all the linux based ones. dotnet publish --configuration Release Is there really any difference with builds for OS versions? From what I can tell no... They probably will or should just remove it. Make the build detect the os and if its going to be cross platform just work every anyway. Aspnet 2.1 changing the port using the environment variable ...

Linux CLI: Tab Autocomplete broken

If your finding your command terminal acting weird like mine did, and can't seem to find out whats happening. Don't panic! Remember this wonder snippet. set show-all-if-ambiguous on set show-all-if-unmodified on Notes:  Tab does not auto-complete in terminal

PostGreSql and EFcore: Cheatsheet

Rather then writing a separate article on Postgresql and another one with Efcore, I'll place my notes here. I currently only seem myself using it with EFcore and instead using mongodb with nodejs. Redis is still on my list of things to use more extensively in the future. https://stacko...

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