
Dynamically sitemap.xml in Aspnet Core

Someday I'd like to complete this project but for now I have very little time so I'll just hold onto these notes. The goal or idea would be for me to create a SEO friendly site but with all my experience with cms or spa applications I'd create it more based on a headless cms. If I get the chance I'd want to work with orchard core on this. Notes

Still a use case for slow-cheetah

With .net 6 out I'm still finding myself maintaining application dependent on .net framework 4.7.2 which isnt too difficult to move them over just time consuming. So as a real quick reminder for myself there's a way to handle debug/local environments. Since most employer's dont know about this cool library or dont see the advantage, over using #DEBUG  in code. Which I really hate handling so instead I install slow-cheetah and using the foling.  xdt:Locator="Match(name)" add this to your App.{env}.config and call it a day with handling your environment! Notes

Azure functions appsettings.json instead of local.settings.json

 Currently one of the services I manage needs to properly set configurations similar to appsetting.json so that the parent name of the config doesnt need to change. This is because of service that calls for the config is looking specifically at the parent name. However since its a azure function using this I ran into an issue of using a different name rather than "Values" where db connections or other properties need to be in order to be read. I tried using the following example... { "CustomParent": {      "test":"true"      }    "Values": {          "test": "true"       } } For my custom name I can grab the test value, just what's in values parent. https://stack

Hybrid Connection for On Premise connections

This week I got to setup a on premise connection with one of our database, which to my surprise worked out great. The project was creating a Azure function connect to one azure database and on remote machine located in the office. The issues I faced included access to the machine itself to questions about the firewall or service. Originally mixed up the machine which send me down the path for most of the links. However the final solution was to just restart the service after it was all send and done. I probably would had ran into firewall issues or maybe just proxy network issues like I found for a few articles if it had not already be setup for me by the IT team. Still work noting incase, the other major issue was just testing/prototyping. So for that I create a store proc on both databases to test a connection was made, another way to prove it was via an email get results from both databases. Still dont quite get the Testing console in Azure so for triggering it I just set a timer ev

Task Scheduling With AgendaJs and MongoDB

This was a project I wanted to start for my consulting project however my team was using TopShelf to create windows service and handled timers in the main loop. Which is fine but if you wanted to look up execution logs, like last run or if it was currently running you had to be on the machine. Checking the service status, and system logs. Later we used the database with nlog to help us but I think hangfire would have been a improvement. Side not for my calendar project this would have been the route I would have taken for the backend service or at least started looking at.

Angular 9: Loading App

A lot of my articles this month are going to be useless to some people because they arent organized in any way. This is because there were quick notes collected when I was consulting and using angular 9. Which was working for me at that time to complete my work. Until I have another professional angular project, angular 12 is looking like a pain to upgrade from 9 so much so it has slowed my personal projects down. So all research and work I do is on my personal time.

WebApi: Notes & Richardson Maturity Model

I forget how I came across this but certainly need to research more on the subject. For now I'll just leave this article here for myself to remind myself later.  HATEOAS - idempotent - upserts - What is the   Richardson Maturity Model ? The   Richardson Maturity Model   is a way to grade your API according to the constraints of REST. ... The   Richardson Maturity Model   knows 4   levels   (0-3), where level 3 designates a truly RESTful API.

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