
Showing posts with the label Web Development

Html: Download Files and Respond

    For a particular web application a user has selected to download a file but since the files is extremely large it will take sometime for it to return. In the process of write out this task, I knew already how I wanted the process to appear. However I didn't give it too much thought as to how I would implement it since I have multiple possible ways to approach it.     To make a long story short I ended up doing what I've seen before with Google Drive and just made a button that would direct to a new tab and return the content type in the headers. What this does is allow the user to see a response without impacting the whole page. Note that I used a button instead of a link. Inside the  button and create javascript function for the  onclick attribute. Inside that function I simply called . There is two reason why I didn't use just a link, the first is I had no clue what the link would point to until the user was done making a selection. The second was beca

CSS: 0px or 0?

    I've used zero's in my styles before but I think it has been an habit of mine to "px". In the end, and it was when I use checking out the features on Web Essentials  that I noticed this helpful hint. I think the benefits of choosing one over the over are very small. Something similar to choosing a comma or a double comma in javascript but I find myself in a grey area when it's one habit vs another. So what I've started to do is just use zero's instead. Not a very difficult habit to change but I need to be consistent so it has been more of a pain to go through all my projects and edit all the styles. Reasons Behind my Choice Saves space using single character. The definition is universal in all browser (zero is zero). There are a lot more reasons in the links below but these are the two the easiest to remember. Also just because I like to use bootstrap with a lot of my projects, I noticed that bootstrap already does this so that is another re

Seo Stuff for My Blog

    I've added some new features to my blog but most of it has probably gone unnoticed with what can directly be seen. So this is what I've done, first corrected any 404's and fixing broken indexed pages.  Replaced images with more compress versions and combined styles as well as scripts.  The other stuff I did is a little harder to document since it was varies based on what tools I was looking at but overall I simply just made my blog better for indexing or displaying in search results. Resources Webmaster Tools: 404 Redirection - YouTube DMOZ - the Open Directory Project Yahoo Directory Listings Google Product Forums Google Authorship Photo Snippet in Search Results Not Author Dependent Developer's Guide: Protocol - Blogger — Google Developers How to Add a Google Sitemap to your Blogger (Blogspot) Blog What are sitemaps? - Webmaster Tools Help Tools Index status - Webmaster Tools Help Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools | PageRank

Fiddler Tutorial/Notes

    I after using Fiddler for a few years now, I wanted to jot some notes down for myself so I don't forget. I really like using fiddler and most of the time I prefer using it over the developer tools inside chrome just because I can use it across different browsers at the same time. This Saves me a lot hassle in opening the developer tool everytime but you might ask what is fiddler? "Its a web Proxy", where you can debug traffic calls, test the network performance and tons more stuff.  Fiddler is a .net application and will not run on other platforms however you can point clients to a host machine that is able to run fiddler and debug from there. Notes Traffic Import- Seeing a client's web experience. FiddlerCap  - lightweight version of fiddler more for client users, to allow you to see specific http request and responses even if you not on that network. Example problems that you can use this for: DNS corruption Poison DNS or other known as DNS spoofin

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