
Fix for Xbox One App Online Chat with Windows 10

    This bug started for me sometime over the fall and after diving into it makes since with the links but I never got around to finding a fix. Final Solution I'm not sure if it's because I installed the beta version or because I uninstalled the teredo driver but I'm calling it fixed since it's probable a combination of the two. The current of the beta I am using is the 11.12.16005 version. Update This fix didn't work until I installed t...

EF: The database cannot be opened because it is version 782

    The full error message for this is "The database cannot be opened because it is version 782. This server supports version 706 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported" and started appearing for me when I upgraded to Visual Studio 2015 Community. Originally I created a database file in visual studio 2013. <add name="ProductContext" connectionString="Data Source= (LocalDb)\v11.0 ;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ProductContext.mdf;Initial Catalog=ProductContext;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> <add name="ProductContext" connectionString="Data Source= (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB ;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ProductContext.mdf;Initial Catalog=ProductContext;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> Notes I did not have to delete the local database files and have to start over, thankfully it was a small change. Resource http://sqlser...

Combining Bootstrap and Font-Awesome without Overlap

    For sometime I've wanted to merge these two libraries together without creating too much work for myself and reduce as much overlap as possible. I have completely moved toward the sass side for my development. I've come up with three approaches but I think the best one is the third one and it little more work than I would like. First Approaches Using an regular expression in node to remove whatever classes and component. This would be great for multiple projects and helpful reducing css on features not in my bootstrap projects. I'll keep this short because I plan to go more in depth for another project. Second Approaches Before I had my npm project I was trying to use grunt-uncss in by looking at the document pages from the source and simply removing the components and icons I didn't want! This would only work with the finally solution of the css and I found a few bugs with media queries. Third Approaches Using an approach like the one in my npm package f...

Flavorstrap npm package, in-depth Documentation

There is three ways stylesheet libraries can be modified, excluding the idea of outside styling (themes). The first is through variables which limited to basic styles such as sizes, colors and other global variables. The second is extending existing css classes for example a “panel” has default, danger, warning, primary, info, and success. One could easily add a extended class called “panel-super” and continue development as any other panel variety. The last is a total rewrite of a bootstrap class, which can be avoided with flavorstrap. Advantages/Support and reasons why!? Get any version of bootstrap you want, break it down to any level you want and without impacting it for long term maintainability! Workflow: Create Sass/Less Build Sass/Less + bootstrap’s Less/Sass Remove Dups and merge styles Add prefixes See your results! Problems I faced:      For a lot of sass or css optimization solutions rudy is a constant deal breake...

UI Design for Processing Modals

    Dialogs, Light boxes, and Modals whatever you call them are a common interface used in websites. When I started out I constantly had to write code to handle multiple situations. After writing a few I started to list a few behaviors I think should happen in/after a modal close. Without going to deep in an explanation I really just wanted to come up with a good way to include offline mode in my applications. Rules Not all of them but just some examples, the image is a better example. Every action must give imitate feedback to the user (results can be async). I.E. "Buy" will convert to "Processing" Information should be logged and stored for users to retrieve it. Applications Types of applications these I thought of. Ecommerce quick way to buy Settings in a Dashboard Post back or User session stored variables. Social Media Log ins When attaching or connecting to main site account. P...

Flavors vs.Themes for CSS Libraries

    Colors aside there's a lot more happening in css themes that one needs to develop or maintain. So I've asked myself countless times if I should just create my own Css library but time was always against me. I think having bootstrap as a base line is a good starting point. Not only for my sake but non front-end developers. As a front-end developer organization with my teams is critical. Every application sooner or later ends up with too many developers doing their “own thing” especially with the styles if there is not standard or company brand. Don't get me wrong the freedom can sometimes be great for a creative projects. However when looking to creating a brand, my applications need to force some rules. I'm not looking to challenge other developers on their approach to new things or change the way they develop. If I can include them in my work flow and at the same time organize them then I will.     So what I'm leading up to is this idea flavors ins...

Avoid Mixing Server Side and Client Side Code

Some Background      This article is from a time when I used primarily 4 with razor syntax which was a love and hate relationship. I started out as a front-end developer but was limited by my peers on the technologies I could use as well as my skills. Even though I was peer reviewed much of my code was "acceptable" I however felt it lacked something. Currently      I avoid mixing MT (middle-tier) and FE (front-end) code; it goes in hand with my philosophy on how to design web applications. I strongly recommend going the extra mile. Ask yourself how will others use the code; not how will they reuse it, that's another concern. Also how will you debug it if something goes wrong? There are many reasons why I avoid doing this. Mainly cause I like to take the approach of SOC (separation of concerns).   After years of frustration trying to debug finally I made this rule for myself. Not only with my code but in my process of thou...

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