Posts Dynamic Sitemap.xml

    This is an article I started to working for the project: rustkickers, which for now I'm putting on hold. What I was trying to do was kill two birds with one stone. If you need a good sitemap to submit to google or to create a "site map" for you users then this would do it. I haven't finished making it but there is where my notes are. Generating dynamic XML Sitemaps in ASP.NET MVC - Ben Foster ASP.NET MVC: Get all controllers - Stack Overflow Resource  - Example  - Another example Create a Google Site Map with ASP.NET ASP.NET MVC: Get all controllers - Stack Overflow Maybe create a atom feed instead of a sitemap.xml?

Retrofit Callback instead of Async Handler

   For a quick and dirty solution I used an async handler in my activity, to call an api. I sometime need to see things work right for a sanity check, and win whatever small achievement it holds. Whether its just to reassure me I'm on the right path. So below is a quick and simple change but makes all the difference. @GET ( "/GetTimes/{id}" ) public ArrayList<YourObject> GrabData ( @Path ( "id" ) String id); vs @GET ( "/GetTimes/{id}" ) void GrabData( @Path ( "id" ) String id, Callback<ArrayList< YourObject >> callback); Resources using Square's Retrofit networking library Retrofit.Callback's success() and failure() If you callback is in a fragment Receiving custom parameter in retrofit callback

Bootstrap Styled Checkbox with FontAwesome

   I was inspired recently when I cam across some quick css that leverage font-awesome for browser specific inputs, which I liked so much I wanted to further but as luck would have it I already found a project that did this. Which added support for the different types of components in bootstrap. I'm still looking for a project does this with the file input style. Regardless if I don't I'm going to make one and adapt it in a project that uses my npm package. References Side note

Company Logo's by CSS and maybe with Seo support?

Overview     What I want to do is take a company logo and instead of an image to display is by css instead. Then using the favicon of the as the seo image and for backward support on older browser. With css3 animations this would allow me to add more flare to the logo as well as the company name that usually appears inside the logo image. This Separation would give much a lot flexibility as well as quality over an image. Example Below is an example of a logo (similar but exact to company logo), and as stated usually a company name is either beside the logo or the company itself is apart of the logo. With internal apps I would reuse this logo but not the company name. Code: Notes     I haven’t fully tested this on a website buts it’s still just an idea and if it works it could save time retrieving the logo in a single favicon which can still be a png. There is ...

Another look at using Steppers and Menu Wheels

    With a lot of my websites I don't get to thinking about the number of clicks and simplifying the number of clicks is sometimes difficult. So for a large part of my projects its sticking to the old tricks unless I rare opportunity. However playing around cordova and working on my nanodegree for udacity as gotten me to thinking. I like the concept of steppers but they case really fits for predefined, short and simply lists that would otherwise be a dropdown. Reference: A better and more general use would be menu wheel kinda like on a iphone when it its a select list, I'm not a iphone user so I get the simple version on android. Making the experience the same is key so in the past when I was at coriell I got the chance to implement something similar for mobile and desktop users which was successful. I forget what I used but one thing I know is it didn't leverage the mouse wheel. I would have liked to have added that ...

Fix for Xbox One App Online Chat with Windows 10

    This bug started for me sometime over the fall and after diving into it makes since with the links but I never got around to finding a fix. Final Solution I'm not sure if it's because I installed the beta version or because I uninstalled the teredo driver but I'm calling it fixed since it's probable a combination of the two. The current of the beta I am using is the 11.12.16005 version. Update This fix didn't work until I installed t...

EF: The database cannot be opened because it is version 782

    The full error message for this is "The database cannot be opened because it is version 782. This server supports version 706 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported" and started appearing for me when I upgraded to Visual Studio 2015 Community. Originally I created a database file in visual studio 2013. <add name="ProductContext" connectionString="Data Source= (LocalDb)\v11.0 ;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ProductContext.mdf;Initial Catalog=ProductContext;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> <add name="ProductContext" connectionString="Data Source= (LocalDB)\MSSQLLocalDB ;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\ProductContext.mdf;Initial Catalog=ProductContext;Integrated Security=True" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" /> Notes I did not have to delete the local database files and have to start over, thankfully it was a small change. Resource http://sqlser...

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