
My Patco - Version 14

    My goal for the support of "My Patco" is to create updates every once a month, and have the schedule automated from here on out. I think for the next few months I will need to validate most of my work but for the most part the updates coming in the end of this should really start to be stable. Initially I created the database around google's train system standard however looking things from a direct approach this approach doesn't need the same level of architecture. In fact it hurts me because I'm constantly looking for things and need to join tables just to query a single schedule. I could probably do it all with just two parameters.    For I'm aiming to finishing this version up which requires some work on the backend more than the app but users should see the app respond a lot faster. I know there was a bug when I released but had to meet my deadline or else I would just keep pushing it back. Things like that can happen a lot if your just doing it for...

Make Android studio behave like Visual Studio

    I really enjoy using Android Studio compared to eclipse, a years ago I would be frustrated looking for things but now days this isn't the case. With my job I need to use Visual Studio and over the course of five years I think I've mastered most of the hotkeys. The transition isn't too much difficult between the two but it can get annoying with the hotkeys. Also I want to say love look of both IDE's so other than functionality the two are awesome tools to work with. Prevent Last Project from Auto Opening    I sometimes forget what my last project even was, thankfully its a simple to fix. Open your Setting and under General remove the check for "Reopen last project on startup" and you're done! Prevent Auto Gradle Running  This really slow things down when starting up. If its know working project doesn't make sense to just waste time processing. I'm talking about projects where the dependencies are already included. Disable Gradle auto...

Google Service Account with Aspnet MVC Behind A Proxy

    Recently I had a fun project to attach google analytics data to an internal site which took longer complete than I thought intial thought but now I could complete in just a day. My biggest issue was finding out the issue was related to the company's proxy. Which I quickly fixed by just added the following snippet at the bottom of this article. For everything else this is just my notes and things I found to help me drill down into the queries for grabbing the data.  Questions How to get the Access Token for GA? - C redential.RequestAccessTokenAsync Querying example -  Use Google Analytics API to show information in C# - Stack Overflow Behind a Company Firewall     Both errors I encountered were "No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it" and  “requested service '…' could not be activated” the first time it's accessed ".   <>     <defaultProxy useDefaul...

AngularJS: Single Page App Notes

    This is article long overdue and I just wanted to talk about a few things I think others should know before starting. My first piece of advise is use use ui-route rather than ng-router. Really get to know ui-router because of its awesomeness. Using Parameters     I've come to really enjoy using parameters in all my apps and if you work with them well enough you can find some really cool ways to simplify your code. Example using the value of a parameter to set up detailed information in a child view saves time building out the whole app because with the url you can save the state. Just a small way to change your app rather than always looking up a global list. So that in mind for tracking information. Also when possible make "beautiful routes" or readable routes it helps other people following the structure. Backward Compatible     I have been able to get ui-router to work with ie8 using es5-shim, if you don't need to control the browser history y...

Bootstrap integrated UI Block with Zero Flicker

The jquery plugin “UI-Block” is an oldie but goodie, which has helped me in some hairy situations from previous developers' work. A lot of code I come across isn’t prepared for delays but this library is the easiest way for handling delays and preventing user click events after ajax calls have happened. A while back I created a graph to help create consist flow for all the possibilities but I may have over just over complicated. With this new approach I have a straight forward solution that doesn’t require much js code. Rather that using JavaScript it uses. css for performance reasons. There is a angular UI-Block and even a update version of UI-block for bootstrap, but I didn’t see the performance of either that I was looking for. Inside a div element! The final piece is important. found an example - which I need to recreate, but for now I just used the modal for global use and inside the div display a process bar o...

Use Seo for Employment!

    I think I have a pretty good understanding of  structured data. Most of my experience comes from my blog but now I'm using it with my personal sites and it got me think what good it could do for others if people used bring in work maybe they do and I just don't know. No more recruiters, headhunters, etc. However my personal experience taught me that it's much more than just putting your name out there. Its proving by example which is becoming easier each day for me, still this is what I did for my site. For Workers    Use and google's structured data tool, as a added bonus I recommend using microsoft's seo tools as well. Both bing and google have a webmaster tools, bing's isn't as nice in my opinion. The Gist of it (Microdata) <div itemscope="" itemtype="">       <link itemprop="sameAs" href="" />       <img itemprop=...

Bootstrap: File Input Style + Angular

    Usually with file inputs for bootstrap I use simple  the "form control" class however it comes up too often for a little more. With my recent article on using font-awesome for checkboxes, I've been working to create the same approach. I even have an example I can show later on, right I'm using it to demo a service I have for parsing pdfs. Before I found the font-awesome idea here are some libraries or resources I found to add top of that. I'm using both of the angular links in one or more projects! Libraries jasny bootstrap dropzonejs With Angular Support Notes

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