
Aspnet: legacyHMACWarning

    Stumbled across this bad boy in the webconfig in an old project and was curious what it's purpose was. Since the comments didn't really help and I spent some time on to uncover its secrets. "This prevents the Windows Event Log from logging the  HMAC 1 that is being used (when  the other party needs it).When targeting ASP.NET MVC 3, this assemblyBinding makes MVC 1 and 2 references relink to MVC 3 so libraries such as DotNetOpenAuth that compile against MVC1." T he comments don't really help, in fact only rises more quesitions. Why is the DontNetOpenAuth ever compiling against MVC1? DotNetOpenAuth with MVC 4.0  - " Yes, DNOA is built against MVC 1.0, and this is by design so that it works against all versions of MVC (given the appropriate redirects). This is purely an MVC version thing -- not a .NET 4.0 thing" Resources HMACSHA512 Class (System.Security.Cryptography)

UI-grid: Bootstrap Styled and Dynamic Height for Pagination

     If you've looked at my catalog-demo , you might have noticed that I used UI-grid instead of Ng-grid. I still work on a few ng-grids but I've started to really use ui-grids. Code : $scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi){ gridApi.pagination.on.paginationChanged($scope, function (pageNumber, pageSize) { var newHeight = (pageSize * 30) + 68; angular.element(document.getElementsByClassName('grid')[0]).css('height', newHeight + 'px'); console.log('get pageSize - ', pageSize); }); }; Solution:   Notes     To get the grid's height multiple the grid by 30px and the page size. Then add 68 to prevent the scroll-wheel moving the grid ever so slightly. Set the default for you're page size in css as well. The css I created to make the grid look like a bootstrap

UI-grid: Bootstrap Styled and Dynamic Height for Pagination

     If you've looked at my catalog-demo , you might have noticed that I used UI-grid instead of Ng-grid. I still work on a few ng-grids but I've started to really use ui-grids. Code : $scope.gridOptions.onRegisterApi = function(gridApi){ gridApi.pagination.on.paginationChanged($scope, function (pageNumber, pageSize) { var newHeight = (pageSize * 30) + 68; angular.element(document.getElementsByClassName('grid')[0]).css('height', newHeight + 'px'); console.log('get pageSize - ', pageSize); }); }; Solution: Notes     To get the grid's height multiple the grid by 30px and the page size. Then add 68 to prevent the scroll-wheel moving the grid ever so slightly. Set the default for you're page size in css as well. The css I created to make the grid look like a bootstrap table is very basic and probably could use a lot more styling. Like

The Three Types of Content with Web Development

Background        I don't know if anyone else thinks about content the   way I do and I'm always challenging myself to see if my thoughts hold true with others. This way idea might seem simple but it goes way back in college when I was just starting out and learning to code. During one of my classes I asked myself the old question " What is static? When is it static? " From all my experience and development in the field, I've came up with this approach which I think is based off current technologies but mostly on my experencies with cms technologies. This article goes really inhand with my other article on The Four Components of a Web Application . Details       The way I've answered both questions is by treating everything as dynamic (to some degree) and to imagine that everything eventually becomes static.Whether its a database query or whatever; to some degree everything becomes "out dated". So at what cost is it worth it to make something mo

Angularjs + MVC Routes with Partial Views

     Recently I've had the great opportunity to create something pretty awesome and I think it helped me seperate or clear up any confusion I had on project where I used two MVC frameworks on top of each other. Those two frameworks are usually AngularJs and MVC. It can be a little hairy especially if you're new to Angularjs but when you use them right web developing is be a snap. Client Side $routeProvider.when('/', { templateUrl: 'home/_home', controller: 'AppCtrl' }).when('/product/:id', { templateUrl: function(params) { return 'home/_product/' +; }, controller: 'AppCtrl' }).otherwise({ redirectTo: '/' });   What's really important here is the route for product and the parameter (look where it takes id). The id can hookup to any middle tier and from there it can handed to a model bound partial view. You can even mix in angular html attributes since the page wil

Diving Back into Selenium and Getting Somewhere!

     Recently I've gone back to using Selenium and started to really get comfortable using it. One of the problems that I constantly face when using Selenium is not having good example and looking at Selenium as a whole in whether it is worthwhile. My problems only get work when I have to ask me  whether to use the Selenium IDE or the server package.  Which is more scalable to do? Which one is better to give to a team QA that non-technical? Some of these questions can be answered on the Selenium site but some of them depend on your work environment and how much time you want to spend on creating a system of some kind to do all that.      What you really want for all project is something that you can automate across popular browsers not just a single one. Plus avoid doing a dry run every time to correct your UI tests. So the IDE which really a plugin is not going to do that for you but even if I gave it to a QA non-technical team I don't think it would be used effectively

The Three Types of Material Design Libraries Available

     There are a tons Material Design projects out there but I choose these three because of their popularity and for the fact I just found these projects interesting for a few of own projects. I work in a variety of environments so each gave me certain advantages over the other. This article is just how I broke them down and what projects I plan use them for.                  Angular-UI Team | Materialize | Material Design for Bootstrap Useful for when you are using angularjs. missing some stuff or just not shown in the documents. Great for my single page example. Useful for bootstrap project and updating them to material design themes. Wish they used Sauce labs Tests like bootstrap. Great for updating my bootstrap sites and my blog. Uses Jquery, and simple to get up and run just like bootstrap. Very close to other css libraries but still

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