Penguins Rising Documentation

I will submit My docs here!

Project was started roughly 6/1/13.

Problems I faced that made it difficult to met my month goal (7/1/13).
  • Bullet Projects - Did not achieve this  but did find an alternative.
  • Users Rotation - Was able to do this will report on it later.
  • Penguins! and Performance - Still working on.
On 7/2/13
Currently I am putting the game on hold... I am in between jobs right now and working toward my certification. I will continue after 7/11/13.

On 7/11/13
I did what I said I would check the source control :P.

On 8/9/13
I ask this question, simple I know but that's what happens when you work with code so much and have functions to do the math :P. Still Lesson learned!

On 8/7/13
Been doing a Video blog and also video updates for the game. First can be found here!

On 8/14/13
I have sound and ZP's falling to their death's!

On 8/17/13
Got Google login working, started to work with the leaderboard "highscores". Object did not return want I thought it would and not sure what I need to do to call the leader-board correctly. Currently not worried about the other leaderboards. Penguin animation is setup and they are using the whole canvas randomly. Need to clean up some of the code...
Resource: clientsetup , api/leaderboards/listscores/get

On 8/20/13
Added a score keeper, I will be moving this to the server side for validation.

On 8/23/13
Found a Example to use for the leaderbroads. Also came across an interesting problem,Pure Canvas Not Possible · Issue #2.

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