Using TFS with Eclipse

This article is from the experience I gain while setting out to complete my capstone and a point in time where I was exploring that ways to manage a team. I also wanted to help move things forward with the process for the team to code rather than spending more time on design. My capstone was along the side with three other colleagues and we did not all have the same idea with what systems or tools should be in place to help us achieve our tasks. Still after the fourth change of repository system in my team, I figured it was time that I took charge and started making changes for the better with my suggestion to use TFS.

PluginTFS Plug-in for Eclipse | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace

Right Click Inside Project Explorer > Team > Shared Project

The following plugin behaves much like the native built-in tool for visual studio but with a slight twist for the  tab locations because of how eclipse is setup. At first when I started researching this plugin and testing it for for our android project I had worries of whether it was bug free since it was not a native tool like the one in Visual Studio. However after have using it and completing my capstone I can say using TFS with an android project can be achieved and be successful.

Problems I faced
SOAP endpoint http:///Services/V1.0/Registration.asmx could not be contacted. HTTP status: 404
Came along with this error randomly but just cleared out my AppData folder and reset the setup
for source control.

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