My IE Mistake While Styling the Input Placeholder

   This was a simple mistake so the article is really short but what I need to do style placeholder color in a dark colored input box. I made the simple mistake of adding an extra colon, but take this as a learning point. Or just as a reminder (mostly to myself) that not all browser specifics follow the same rule. Whether it's single or double I need to be careful which one is appropriate. From what I know the placeholder in Chrome is double colon, IE is single and firefox is both. I don't need to write an article about every minor bug or problem I face but this was just one that I found interesting because I found myself asking why the subtle difference. Also are the difference consistent? Meaning that if I used browser specific stuff on another element is it always double colons for chrome and it's counterparts? I won't lie, I don't have time to explore this anymore than I need to.

Quick Note
   Not every style is a colon  or a double colon and there is a difference!


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