Aspetcore: NLog with Postgresql
This Article is base ASP.Net Core 2 and the latest version of Nlog. 1. Install NLog and the Postgresql Package Using NuGet to install the package into your ASP.NET Core project: PM > Install-Package NLog.Web.AspNetCore PM > Install-Package Npgsql 3. Register NLog Add in your Startup.cs public void Configure ( IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, ILoggerFactory loggerFactory ) { ... env.ConfigureNLog( "nlog.config" ); ... // make sure Chinese chars don't fk up Encoding.RegisterProvider(CodePagesEncodingProvider.Instance); //add NLog to ASP.NET Core loggerFactory.AddNLog(); //add NLog.Web app.AddNLogWeb(); } 4. Add to Your Controller Add a logger object to your Controller. private readonly ILogger<YourController> _logger; Modify the constructor to use it public YourController ( ILogger<YourController> logger = null ) { if ( null != logger) { _logger = logger; ...