
Ng-grid: Display Two Fields in One Column

Task For ng-grid I have a set of fields in which they are pulled in via ajax however, when I have setup the cell template I need to not only display one field as a column but instead in the first column with the second another field. Solution I feel the documentation wasn't very clear on this point but the solution is simply using row.getProperty()  with the field you want in quotes. Plunker Example  using two column in the same column definition. Resources Defining columns · angular-ui/ng-grid Wiki · GitHub Templating · angular-ui/ng-grid Wiki · GitHub cellTemplate and grouping: can I change the template for the 'grouping' row - Stack Overflow how to apply field on cell Template using ng-grid - Stack Overflow

"updated" field missing with Blogger

    This was a really fun problem to solve, and helped expand my knowledge with Rich Snippets. A lot of the information that I found on this issue was not helpful and came down to me reading hours of documentation mostly because I didn't know what I was looking for. The best things about this error was I that I could use  Google Structured Data Testing Tool  to instantly see my results with my code. When I was working on this issue I made sure to backup my Blogger Template, I would do the same. Problem  Update field missing in Hatom markup which throws errors in Google's Rich Snippets and probably other search engines as well. Solution - Should be wrapped with class='hentry'  < time class = 'updated' expr : title = 'data:post.timestampISO8601' > < data : post.timestamp / > < / time > < time class = 'published' expr : title = 'data:post.timestampISO8601' itemprop = 'datePublished' > ...

Penguins Rising: Game Blotting

    This week I took a good look at the repository history for Penguins Rising and I was  surprised  to see that this project started on,  June 4th of last year. I suspect that I probably spent more time  developing a strategy more than executing my code. That doesn't mean I didn't have a clear idea what I need to do but just that I was adding too many additional pieces.  Ironically this problem was actually the reason why I started working on the project. With my other projects creating a strong baseline for games can be extremely difficult. Sitting down and hammering out ideas that sound good in theory vs. a realistic approach can be seem impossible for me without writing some code So like my other project I found myself constantly wanting to add my own twist to Penguins Rising and diverged from the baseline of the original game. Strategy  Seeing this has made me hold off on many of my projects until I have completely written AND settle...

Project: DuckSauce Notes Part II

Working on the second part of my project... I now need to automate bootstrap builds and compare the bootstrap's unmodified version of bootstrap to the new styles that I have added or modified on the bootstrap compiled css. From there DuckSauce should separate the style changes and place them in a .less file and recompile, which will then override or append the proper styles. Day 3 Managing module dependencies - How To Node - NodeJS package.json  - More reading... Getting started - Grunt: The JavaScript Task Runner  - Docs, docs and more docs Moving from CodeKit to Grunt Watch + LiveReload for Real-time Compilation  - Lots of help Day 4 gruntjs/grunt-contrib-watch  - This is the direction I am heading now! No compatible version found: chalk@'0.4.0'   - Helping myself. This week had to cut my research a little short but I feel I am really close to a solution with little effect on my part since a lot what I need is already built and simply needs to b...

Sharing Blogger links on Facebook

    Publishing to all my media profiles can be a tedious task which is why I use  IFTTT  ( thanks to a colleague for introducing to it). However I notice a small problem with facebook, which selects an image that is apart of my social media profiles. I didn't intend for this to happen but it only appears to happen when I don't already have an image in the article that is posted. Watch out for images greater than 200x200! The image I originally used was greater than 200x200 and because of it facebook simply cropped the top and bottom. With a quick adjust in gimp I was able to correct this and now appears just how I want. Solution < meta content = 'yourUrl' property = 'og:image' /> Final look in the thumbnail Resources How to show particular image as thumbnail while implementing share on Facebook? - Stack Overflow Facebook Debugger tool  - Mostly interested in  og:type https://support.go...

Error: No compatible version found: chalk@'0.4.0'

    This error actually had me stumped for a bit but that's because I thought it was something I was doing wrong. However after looking around I found that I simply needed to update my Node version. Rather than getting too deep into the technical details, I will just list my researches. I forget what version of Nodejs I was using before the update but with one simply click all my problems went away.  Error: No compatible version found: chalk@'0.4.0' The reasoning behind my thoughts earlier was because of my use with the mark ">= version" in my dependencies package.json file. This attempt was made after looking into the documentation  which I noticed that grunt-contr-uglify requires grunt 0.4.0 or great. So this all started that point on with my research. Resources node.js  - Note to self update Nodejs! Error: No compatible version found: chalk · Issue #23 · segmentio/metalsmith npm install fails · Issue #163 · gruntjs/grunt-contrib-uglify ...

Updating MVC4 to MVC5

 In my last article on MVC, I updated Razor 2.0 to 3.0 and showed the difficulties of updating the Razor nuget package in a MVC application. This article picks up from there and since Razor 3.0 is dependent on MVC5 I can assume you have updated Razor already. Typical errors you will see.. Method not found: 'System.Web.WebPages.IDisplayMode System.Web.Mvc.ControllerContext.get_DisplayMode()'. Description:  An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code. Exception Details:  System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'System.Web.WebPages.IDisplayMode System.Web.Mvc.ControllerContext.get_DisplayMode()'. Updating the  System.Web.WebPages to version 3.0 fixed this issue. However you may see more packages issues like it. What you can do is try reinstall each package that appears to be broken like so.. Update-Package –re...

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