
An Introduction to Cryengine

    This is an introduction to the Cryengine  3.0 which I started using a while back for a side project to began exploring the possibilities to develop future projects with. My hope is to some day create a "triple A game" or at least one that is console based. Infact that was what I loved about developing on the XNA framework. Thankfully the Cryengine comes with tons of documents and even a demo game for me to play with.  The sdk itself ran pretty smoothly on my machine but I did have difficulties getting pass a few bugs which never repeated after my first attempt. Also it seemed to me some of the configurations were being set to my machine rather than to the Cryengine solution itself which I didn't like. Questions Just a list of things I asked myself as I was starting out. How do I start it? Inside the 64 or 32 bit version bin folders select either the Sandbox or the Cryengine program. How do I compile it? The game comes precompiled and it updated on changes in th

Coursera: Introduction to Databases Part 1

     I ntroduction to Databa ses is  taught by Jennifer Widom and hosted by Coursera as a self paced class.  As someone  who  mainly does front-end developing I feel this class should be very helpful for me to add some new set of skill to my array. I also think this class will help better   prepare me  later down the road  for my plans to take the  SQL certifications . This is article is part of a series of other articles that will be on the class , but this article  particularly  is about XML, DTD and Json.     When I first started this article it was a single  entity  but as I got through more of the class the article was a little more  too  much for me to maintain as well as keep track of since I went out of order with what the had class. I think the topic that most interested me for this class was learning about triggers. However so far this article is about nothing new but I felt it was important to document.  XML  -  e X tensible  M arkup  L anguage An alternative to str

Unauthorized Ajax Handler for MVC

Requirements      I need respond to users that they are unauthorized, and I need it to not return a redirect to them from a ajax call which MVC does by default. A even better solution would be that I also do not force users to refresh page they are currently on and instead give them the ability to re-login via ajax on that current screen. This would allow users to save any  information they are currently working on. I should warn the user that it they are no longer logged in and if possible prompt them and within that same prompt allow them a way to login back in all without refreshing or a redirect. For now I'm going to just focus on the first problem which is suppressing Asp.Net's default behavior with unauthorized calls and do this just for Ajax calls. An Example I can see while using Blogger Solution - Thanks to Joe Harrison for missing pieces!  //C# code override an Authorization Attribute create a customized one. protected virtual void HandleUnautho

CSS Side Borders for a HTML5 Game

It's time to created a HTML game with a more efficient background. As it stands I have already created an effective way to display my icy landscape with the actual game load on top of the canvas. Making it so I don't have to clear the whole canvas to create animations.This is a great improvement verse what I had before,  it was a much bigger image and had everything inside it. So moving from there I separated the side borders and split them into two images. Using a Div around my canvas tag I set the left image as the background and the second image on the canvas tag itself. This was not enough I now wanted to see if I could use a single image flipped horizontally for the other side. The Setup < div id = "game" > < canvas id = "window" > Sorry but Canvas is not Supported </ canvas > </ div > First Attempt Doing some research I found a way to flip background image. The problem was the flip effecting both images and trying

Integrating Orchard CMS with an Existing MVC Apps

I have created multiple modules within the Orchard CMS framework and even setup complete systems that have helped maintain internal data but after all that I still had a question for myself. Can I use Orchard for a project where Orchard was not the focus of the application and integrated with existing applications. So in other words Orchard was an extension or a sub application. Resources Orchard Project - Integrate Orchard with existing web forms site mvc - How do I integrate Orchard CMS with a current MVC2 application? - Stack Overflow .net - Integrate existing ASP.NET MVC application with Orchard CMS - Stack Overflow Orchard Project - Integrating Orchard into existing MVC site Orchard Project - Can I integrate nopCommerce with Orchard Theory Using MVC's Area concept you might be able to create a MVC application and have Orchard rest inside the created area and if you wanted also have your database on a single or separate instance from the Orchard solut

Google App Engine: Ignoring Files/Folders on a Windows PC

This is a short article but important for my case since I have a lot of files that I do not want to release with the final production of my app. My assumption at first was that if your "app.yaml" file does not contain a handler for the specified a file or folder it would by simply ignore it but  does not seem to be the case. Resources Google App Engine App.yaml config for skip-files to ignore Mercurial files - Stack Overflow Create/rename a file/folder that begins with a dot in Windows? - Super User Summary Just put a dot in front as well as at the back of a folder/file's name.

Using TFS with Eclipse

This article is from the experience I gain while setting out to complete my capstone and a point in time where I was exploring that ways to manage a team. I also wanted to help move things forward with the process for the team to code rather than spending more time on design. My capstone was along the side with three other colleagues and we did not all have the same idea with what systems or tools should be in place to help us achieve our tasks. Still after the fourth change of repository system in my team, I figured it was time that I took charge and started making changes for the better with my suggestion to use TFS. Plugin :  TFS Plug-in for Eclipse | Eclipse Plugins, Bundles and Products - Eclipse Marketplace Right Click Inside Project Explorer > Team > Shared Project The following plugin behaves much like the native built-in tool for visual studio but with a slight twist for the  tab locations because of how eclipse is setup. At first when I started researching thi

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