
Angularjs: Blinking Syntax

    This is a issue I call the angularjs "blinking syntax" because for a quick second users are able to see angularjs syntax in the web page, which isn't good. This issue becomes a greater problem for those with a slow connection. Cause is simple, using  {{}}  inline, which is much slower compared to other methods. Instead one solution is to use the ng-bind inline or can also create a directive. Resource why ng-bind is better than {{}} in angular? - Stack Overflow inline conditionals in angular.js - Stack Overflow  - Also by using a directive you can separate your logic more. Making your code cleaner or easier to maintain. ng-cloak/ng-show elements blink - Stack Overflow  - This will not always solve the problem, but using this along with ng-bing or a directive I think is appropriate. 

My Firefox Bug with Returning Csv Content

    So this was an interesting bug that I encountered last week and it was just happening with Firefox. I'm not complete sure about the information I found but my guess was firefox  grabs it's file types from the register in windows. Either way my issue was what I was using for the mime type and below is what I tried in order. application/  - This would for some users open up the file in xls and trim file name. application/csv - Worked fine for all my users. text/csv - Worked just like the previous one. I think this is the safest choice. I'm already treating it like a text file on the server side so this would more apparent in my case to use. Resources How do I map a .csv MIME type to the "Microsoft Excel Comma Separated Values File" application? What to set as mimetype for csv files to open in spreadsheet applications - Stack Overflow

Unity: Notes for My Next Game Part II

    So like I did in my previous article , I'm going to list off the things I was want to get done so that I can focus on just those things. Here goes... Mission Splash screen (no artwork yet) Just a start button for now. Continue with falling Objects  make their fall more random. Instead of just making them round add some edge to them ( probably not as seen ). Bonus... Blurry Texture? Results Resource      Splash Screen Creating a Splash Screen in Unity - Platformer Tutorial #1 - YouTube Loading Screen? - Unity Answers      Falling Object How can I spawn enemies within a specified random interval? Unity - Scripting API: Random Unity - Scripting API: Time (Notes for myself ) Unity's JS API has a Math  class  called Mathf instead and it's methods are capitalized. Unity - Scripting API: Mathf How to generate a random number inside Unity? - Unity Answers      Bonus   Blurry Textures, despite High Detail! - Unity Answers   Hid

Ng-grid: Start and End Items for a Grid

    With my recent experience using ng-grid, I came up with two dynamic variables that would display based on the location of where they were in relationship to a particular page. I wasn't sure how to find a specific example on this. Since most might wrap this up with pagination concept it's difficult to find something on this for Ng-grid.. Not that I need an example but I like to think of them as separate, or as metadata. Dependency      I could have made the dependency on a ajax  return call but I had multiple ways for the Grid data to be insert, so rather than set it at that point I just hooked in the dom. If you wanted to go the other route just change the  self.domAccessProvider call  to whatever you name your data object in the grid . As for the start number this is easier to handle, so there is no dependencies. Solution $scope.endItem = function () { var self = this; //Last page... if (self. maxPages () == self.pagingOptions.currentPage)

Ng-repeat: Order a List Vertically rather Horizontal

    I don't think I need to explain the setup here since the title explains it all and if not there are similar questions I found that can explain the question for me (in the resource). The Solution  Example , I didn't write this example but I did think of one way to improve upon  it. If we have already defined the styles as classes we can than use the $odd or $even in ng-repeat. Since $odd or $even are Boolean we can use either one with a inline if statement and give the <li> tag a class based on it. I haven't tested this but I'm sure it will work, what I actually am curious about is that in the example the definition of odd and even since ng-repeat also have these variables. I wonder if they would ever have a conflict? As a side note for myself note that the example isn't in a un-order list but rather a div . That could another possibly reason behind my issue below. A Possible Alternative Solution column-count - CSS | MDN  -  Example Problems

Penguins Rising: Possible Multiplayer

    With my first attempt, I started to look at what Google Game Services to see what it had to offer for real time multiplayer but quickly found my answer in the documentation. Game Service " Real-time multiplayer is currently only supported for the Android platform." So I looked at Google Hangout as an option. The example I found helped me test out this theory and proved that creating multiplayer mode would be possible. However there was minor issues with latency as the example code shows and also ways to handle it. I didn't publish any code on github since there is a lot more for me to do and this year  my plans  are  to start working more on my other games. For now its just important to make note of it so that I can pick up on it later... Example sendMessageApp.xml - google-plus-hangout-samples - It's sample code... for Google+ Hangout Apps line:188 gapi . hangout . data . sendMessage (        

Orchard 1.8 Multiple Blogs with Different Workflows

    So you want to have multiple blogs and on top of it all you need to create a different work follow for each blog? One example that I have is a process that I created which allows for two types of workflows. The first is where users are monitored by a manager and the second is one without. In my particularly case the two types of blogs even had a control group that had access to both.     The first problem I saw in my case was with permission since some of our permissions are global where the blog modifier has access over multiple blogs and users that don't should only be aware of their particular blog. By default Orchard's blog content type is a container in which it is a single type allowing child's of that type but this does not allow use to configure children's permissions.      So here's what I did create the two blogs as custom content types where they act much like a blog post and really we don't need them for more than that being in my case of cour

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