
Theory & Practice of Data Cleaning

   This is a topic that I found very interesting, however I find the industry's best practices to counterintuitive and in opposition of this very idea. In the near future I am making plans to attend multiple online classes pertaining in or around the subject, however I believe very little of it will be put into use professionally. Instead this is more for my own systems and business model. Since I'm limited by my hardware and the services I've created. Data backups need to be precise without question.     An Example of this very issue, on a project sometime ago  I built an application where the clients could upload image to update their profile. Simple enough however the system had no way of knowing if it was the same image or did any kind of file system clean up for images unattached to the profile. This part was left up to another developer, and wasn't a concern for the developer in regards to the sever's hard-drive space. The previous images in the system

Mongodb Cheatsheet

This cheat sheet is based on the latest version of mongodb, which initial had setup and didn't encounter any problems. However that all changed when I was working remote and forgot I disabled the port no my network, rather than with the server. So I went pointing around where I didn't need to and ended up messing things up. The Best tutorial out there is of course on digital ocean for my setup on ubuntu 16.04 , this articles isn't so much about getting setup. I just wanted to include it because I found myself looking back at it to see if I missed a step. Bugs/Problems Now comes all the messed up things I found and had to deal with. firewall - Port seems to be open, but connection refused try using in the bin_ip for the /etc/mongo.conf try sudo ufw disable and check to see if it works without the firewall (probably still wont but worth a shot), then just sudo ufw enable. Make sure port 27017 is open. Then check this  linux - Connection refused to MongoDB e

Removing the Cloud

I am trying to remember if I've talked about this before in my blog, it's been a while. Mainly because I've been working towards this idea. Rather than building a social network, I've instead moved on to doing the whole cloud myself. Removing Google, Amazon, and Microsoft from my life, I would encourage others but that's wishful thinking. Instead, I'm just doing my own thing. Got me a server and moved all my applications out of the cloud. Of course, some of the stuff I use is hard to move like this blog but for everything else, I'm completely independent.    For a lot of people, this might seem a strange time to do this, with cloud computing becoming cheaper and easier. I see the writing on the wall. The obvious reason, is my competitive business model, with the big three companies. It's becoming more critical for me to move out of the cloud. So even if I wasn't already worried or paranoid as some might call it about my code. I'm already

Accessibility Designing

One of the standards that I'm adapting on my own with real interest is handling accessibility for all my major applications. I like to think of printing last as a concern. I think the best practice that I've come up with helping me get in the habit is during the initial color design. Since I may or may not be slight color blind and hear way to often my colors are too light or don't match. I think matching part just comes from the fact I don't understand fashion. Which is why I was the same outfit, you can't mess up with khakis. In other words getting the habit is much the same with my applications with a little variety here and there. I'm not going for anything bold just modern, so here are the tools I use. Tools Contrast Ratio: Easily calculate color contrast ratios. Passing WCAG was never this easy! Accessibility Developer Tools - Chrome Web Store just a bit of caution don't solely depend on this, just like the mobile view in chrome

Bugging Out About Code

Its one battle after another battle and not one you can always win. I've watched good ideas die before they even had a chance but even worse bad ideas take over development. Its a difficult thing to watch. I think the most important things on how to approaching this issue comes down to these points. Encouraging & passinate work environment. people who don't understand will try and want to here. Strong co-worker relationship working alone is nice but teams should come together on certain projects or piceces of code. Clear Objective goals If you can't get support from your team/manager then use deadlines to beat the competition.  It gets harder at this point to not just complain about things or talk about my experience. Whic think could give some insight. Instead I'll just follow my last point and and the article with this. Passion is never a negative and there's always another problem to be solve so don't burn yourself out.

Not just Open Source, but Something a little more

For the most difficult parts of my career I have pushed for open source among my peers. The number one benfit being standardized code, a benefit for everyone involved. I've even drawn  a fine line for everyone I'm come across with to make it simple. If a user can see your code they can take it, so why not improve it with the help of others. Let others improve upon it or poke holes in it. I've also pointed out to nay sayers that it is a good idea not to make your code specific to an application's needs. Aboid sensitive information that can get tangled inside your logic. Separate it, mask and encrypt it do whatever you got to do. As for frontend code in the modern world, its like writting a book. Your core will be read by someone. If it's good enough people will repeat it. Which is what you should want, Just like books some of the pages are unnecessary or fill up the book with more context which can tie it down. Its on that idea why I adopted other people's code

Android Cheatsheet

The best part about android now days is how easy firebase makes things. I could probably just get rid of all my notes and just list off all the firebase examples I used in the past but I think in the future I will have a few projects non-firebase. ht

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