Chapter Notes. Programming in HTML5 with JavaScript & CSS3


Much of the material here is based on the book: Programming in HTML5 with Javascript and CSS3.
This is just summary notes that I took from the book and expanded on. 

Chapter 1

Purpose of this Chapter:
To introduce primary tools needed such as Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 and Blend for Blend for Visual Studio 2012.

By knowing these three core technologies you can increase your marketability and give you flexibility to choose the company for which you want to work.
  • comparison list of Visual Studios
  • VS Web allows web projects only (C# or VB)
  • VS Express for Windows 8 only for Windows Store Applications
  • Blend for VS 2012 provides the ability to create window store app.
  • Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 8 and Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web are free.
  • VS contains a new arrange of features and here is a list.
    • Testing - Debug mode and a list of installed browsers.
    • Finding the source of rendered markup - new Page Inspector feature
    • Improved IntelliSense
    • Reusable Markup
    • Automatic Renaming
  • CSS3 Support
    • Expandable Sections
    • Hierarchical Indentation
    • Add Comments
    • Color Selector
  • Javascript Support
    • Standards-based
    • Improved IntelliSense
    • Improved editor
    • Go To Definition
    • Intellisense from JS comments
    • Breakpoints
    • Reference Groups
    • Drag and drop references
VS Templates
A lot of these templates I have never used except the Blank template, which isn't really a template so I didn't include it in the list.

  • Grid - contains multiple pages and enables you to navigate among groups of items.
  • Split - two page project
  • Fixed - fixed aspect ratio that scales to fit the screen. (never used this)
  • Navigation - provides single-page apps containing controls for navigation.

Visual Studio Blank App
Create a blank app, the default.js file will later be explained in chapter 3. In the default.html there is reference to the ui-dark.css file that can be change with the ui-light.css file. 

Exploring Blend
will return to this later when I start my example project.

Chapter 2

Understanding Html, Xhtml, and Html5 Notes
  • "XHTML is an Xml-Based Specification that tightened the HTML specification to make HTML adhere to the XML rules that describe a well-formed document"
  • "HTML5 does not originate from XHTML; HTML5 originates from HTML 4.01."
Introducing semantic markup
Html5 separating StructurePresentation, and Behavior. It is recommend to use lower case in tag names but not required.
  • HTML5 tags
  • HTML Global attributes
  • Singleton Tags or Void elements 
  • <area >
  • <base>
  • <br>
  • <col>
  • <command>
  • <embed>
  • <hr>
  • <img>
  • <input>
  • <link>
  • <meta>
  • <param>
  • <source>
  • <wbr>
  • Expando attributes or author define - prefixed with "data-"

Chapter 8 - Websites and Services

I created a separate post for this as I wanted add more when do more study on Nodes.js Notes.

Chapter 9 - Asynchronous operations 

The point of this chapter is to give the user a response when something is ready or distract them with a load screen/bar. By doing this you get a better user friendly UI, this chapter will explore Jquery and web workers.

Lesson 1
Using Jquery and WinJS
A thread is a separate execution path, and using Jquery Ajax provides the tools to implement this. An example is Jquery animate.

Promise Object (future or  deferred) - provides a mechanism to schedule work to be done on a value that might not yet be computed.

States of Promise object

"The benefit is that it enables you to write non-blocking logic that executes asynchronously without having to write a lot of synchronization and plumbing code."

"CommonJS defines the Promise/A specification that many Javascript technologies implement"

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