
Editing Blogger Post on Github, Rough Draft

    This was an idea that came to me when I was looking at  haacked's blog  (awesome blog by the way!)  which is mostly built with  jekyll  site since he uses github to host his site. I'm not really a fan of jekyll, I won't lie never played around with it . If github hosted a  web server  in nodeJs I probably would just move my blog in a  heartbeat over to github completely  but for now I like having it on blogger.      Now I haven't implemented this but here is a rough idea what I would do to achieve it. I think the image is pretty detailed but to sum it up I would IFTTT to notify my application when a new post is  available and then create a commit to github and allow people to fork the blog's repository and then create edits. I've even started the repo here ...  Research Blogger JSON API: Using the API - Blogger — Google Developers  - If I ever need to move my blog to github it would be good to know. Comments |

Project: DuckSauce Notes Part III

    It's been a couple of weeks since I've released an update on this project, but much of it is due to the fact that I have completely reimplemented my approach. I now have a better understanding where browserify will come into place and where grunt will come into place. Most importantly I understand the v8 javascript engine which runs underneath the chrome browser; this is a major win for me. Here is my  previous article ... Day 1 Day 7: GruntJS LiveReload--Take Productivity to the Next Level | Openshift Blog I basically want to remove the need for LiveReload. Moving from CodeKit to Grunt Watch + LiveReload for Real-time JavaScript/LESS/SASS Compilation - Justin Klemm Another great example what LiveReload can do. Chrome Apps Office Hours: NodeJS in Chrome packaged apps - YouTube Example with Browserify but you can't using it against Grunt. Iced Blog - node js in chrome

Unity: Notes for My Next Game IIII

    This summer is going by fast however I think I got a lot done and I'm really surprised how quickly things are coming together. Like I said in my last article , I've played with Blender before. My goal for this week was really simple. Create a model, give it some animations and control it in unity . First Attempt (very basic...) Resources Cntrl-R - create more, "loop cut"? -  2.6/Manual/Modeling/Meshes/Editing/Subdividing/Loop Subdivide  BLENDER Tutorial - EASY Fully poseable hand in 10 minutes! - YouTube - audio is very low but very useful video Importing Blender into Blender After I imported my object I noticed on the back side one of the fingers was missing... Wasn't sure if this was something I did or a setting. Update  Solution:  One side of an object appears normal but the

Base64 images in Web Applications

    Web essentials has this really cool feature that allows you to convert your images to base64 on the fly which at the time it was a very new concept to me. I had no idea that you could use a string of data in place of the url but right from the start I got the impression that it wasn't very efficient. Not only that but I was pretty sure that anything less than IE10 was going to cry about it. My experience and gut were right, now IE support aside this is still a really cool ability to have but I did some research still to see if it really wasn't efficient. Which also appeared to be true, but I didn't test that myself. Still the reason behind why I might use this feature would be when you have a small web application and for whatever reason you need all the resources  to be inline with the html. A better scenario is if the whole html page was being placed in a xml as cdata. I've actually had to do this before with an Google Hangout application. Resources php - Wh

CMS Integration with Existing Sites in IIS

    For this setup you will need IIS 8.0 or higher because of the URL rewrites module. In my process of figuring this out I ran into some pretty funny infinite loops so watch out those if you're site is taking a long time to load. Most of this process is just using the URL rewrites, and what we are trying to do is make our application the homepage and have the CMS rest in the back making all links needed point to it. We could easily reverse this setup and make the CMS the homepage, or we could pull data from the CMS into our web application. Making some kind of widget built based on the CMS, which is easy to do if your CMS has an API  service already built out.    In this example I make the CMS seat behind my web application and routed the CMS's to a subdomain. There is also a legacy site which will seat next to the CMS on its own sub subdomain. If the url's within each application are relative then there is no need to modify them for this setup. Example of URL

Html: Download Files and Respond

    For a particular web application a user has selected to download a file but since the files is extremely large it will take sometime for it to return. In the process of write out this task, I knew already how I wanted the process to appear. However I didn't give it too much thought as to how I would implement it since I have multiple possible ways to approach it.     To make a long story short I ended up doing what I've seen before with Google Drive and just made a button that would direct to a new tab and return the content type in the headers. What this does is allow the user to see a response without impacting the whole page. Note that I used a button instead of a link. Inside the  button and create javascript function for the  onclick attribute. Inside that function I simply called . There is two reason why I didn't use just a link, the first is I had no clue what the link would point to until the user was done making a selection. The second was beca

CSS: 0px or 0?

    I've used zero's in my styles before but I think it has been an habit of mine to "px". In the end, and it was when I use checking out the features on Web Essentials  that I noticed this helpful hint. I think the benefits of choosing one over the over are very small. Something similar to choosing a comma or a double comma in javascript but I find myself in a grey area when it's one habit vs another. So what I've started to do is just use zero's instead. Not a very difficult habit to change but I need to be consistent so it has been more of a pain to go through all my projects and edit all the styles. Reasons Behind my Choice Saves space using single character. The definition is universal in all browser (zero is zero). There are a lot more reasons in the links below but these are the two the easiest to remember. Also just because I like to use bootstrap with a lot of my projects, I noticed that bootstrap already does this so that is another re

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