Ng-grid: Sorting Ascending and Descending with Font-Awesome
I wrote this little snippet for some requirements a while back but since it's so general and if it helps the project to have a quick template to grab it I think it would be much greater to share. Also I was just wanted to write out the documentation as I was learning Angularjs along with ng-grid for the first time during the time I wrote it. So it should be clear that the dependencies are Font-awesome, Ng-grid and Angularjs for this snippet.
When I wrote this when I was using Angularjs v1.2.16 stable, font-awesome v4.1.0 both it should not be a problem moving forward but with Ng-grid I used v2.7. It may break with later version as I know a lot has or will change in the template. This snippet should work in all browser but I only tested for Chrome, FireFox, IE8 and greater.
My Code
I also have a version more suited for Ng-grid 3.0 on Gists where I removed the escape characters to be placed in a template.
javascript - AngularJS toggle class using ng-class - Stack Overflow
Change an element's CSS class with JavaScript - Stack Overflow
Sorting Server Side
sql - Sorting on the server or on the client? - Stack Overflow
Server-side paging+filtering+sorting for ng-grid with WebAPI - Stack Overflow
ng-grid Server Side Sorting error · Issue #223 · angular-ui/ng-grid
Working Examples - I used 'sortInfo',
Plunker - Using 'ngGridEventSorted'
Plunker - Using 'gridOptions.ngGrid.config.sortInfo'
$watch vs $on - Google Groups
When I wrote this when I was using Angularjs v1.2.16 stable, font-awesome v4.1.0 both it should not be a problem moving forward but with Ng-grid I used v2.7. It may break with later version as I know a lot has or will change in the template. This snippet should work in all browser but I only tested for Chrome, FireFox, IE8 and greater.
My Code
$templateCache.put("headerCellTemplate.html", "<div class=\"ngHeaderSortColumn {{col.headerClass}}\" ng-style=\"{'cursor': col.cursor}\" ng-class=\"{ 'ngSorted': !noSortVisible }\">" + " <div ng-click=\"col.sort($event); sortOrder = !sortOrder;\" ng-class=\"'colt' + col.index\" class=\"ngHeaderText\">"+ " <i ng-class=\"{true: 'fa-sort-asc', false: 'fa-sort-desc'}[sortOrder]\" class=\"fa fa-sort fa-fw\"></i>{{col.displayName}}"+ "</div>" + " <div class=\"ngSortPriority\">{{col.sortPriority}}</div>" + " <div ng-class=\"{ ngPinnedIcon: col.pinned, ngUnPinnedIcon: !col.pinned }\" ng-click=\"togglePin(col)\" ng-show=\"col.pinnable\"></div>" + "</div>" + "<div ng-show=\"col.resizable\" class=\"ngHeaderGrip\" ng-click=\"col.gripClick($event)\" ng-mousedown=\"col.gripOnMouseDown($event)\"></div>");
I also have a version more suited for Ng-grid 3.0 on Gists where I removed the escape characters to be placed in a template.
ng-toggle in AngularJS | GeniusCarrierjavascript - AngularJS toggle class using ng-class - Stack Overflow
Change an element's CSS class with JavaScript - Stack Overflow
Sorting Server Side
sql - Sorting on the server or on the client? - Stack Overflow
Server-side paging+filtering+sorting for ng-grid with WebAPI - Stack Overflow
ng-grid Server Side Sorting error · Issue #223 · angular-ui/ng-grid
Working Examples - I used 'sortInfo',
Plunker - Using 'ngGridEventSorted'
Plunker - Using 'gridOptions.ngGrid.config.sortInfo'
$watch vs $on - Google Groups