Unity: Notes for My Next Game
The reason I wrote this article was to create myself a mission of tasks to complete. A lot goes into a game and I already know that I need to narrow down my scope for this game. Especially if I want to have something really show in the next couple of months. So here is my focus...
Unity - Manual: How do I Make a Skybox?
Unity - Manual: Lightmapping Quickstart
How do I make a sky using skybox?
How to make a texture tile and not stretch
High quality skybox / space
Resources for Player
What is the best free 3D modeling program to use alongside with Unity?
Unity - Scripting API: MonoBehaviour.OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit)
Unity - Scripting API: MonoBehaviour.OnCollisionEnter(Collision)
Destroy the current GameObject? - Unity Answers
Switching between multiple cameras created in runtime - Save this for later
OnCollisionEnter vs OnControllerColliderHit | Unity Community
I created my script on the player because more logic will be on the player then there is will on the objects falling.
Unity player collision with object? | Unity Community
Resources for Falling Object
OnCollisionEnter vs OnControllerColliderHit | Unity Community
Getting an object to spawn on a set time
Instantiate and Create Objects
Simple Timer
How to separate duplicated objects? - Unity Answers
- Create landscape (slope, sky, borders)
- Make it so I can't fall off, it's annoying.
- Landscape Texture keeps scretching.
- First person view single player.
- Detect collision with falling objects
- Destroy player for now
- Repeat falling objects
- spawn multiple randomly.
- Create a timer for when a new object spawns.
Unity - Manual: How do I Make a Skybox?
Unity - Manual: Lightmapping Quickstart
How do I make a sky using skybox?
How to make a texture tile and not stretch
High quality skybox / space
Resources for Player
What is the best free 3D modeling program to use alongside with Unity?
Unity - Scripting API: MonoBehaviour.OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit)
Unity - Scripting API: MonoBehaviour.OnCollisionEnter(Collision)
Destroy the current GameObject? - Unity Answers
Switching between multiple cameras created in runtime - Save this for later
OnCollisionEnter vs OnControllerColliderHit | Unity Community
I created my script on the player because more logic will be on the player then there is will on the objects falling.
Unity player collision with object? | Unity Community
Resources for Falling Object
OnCollisionEnter vs OnControllerColliderHit | Unity Community
Getting an object to spawn on a set time
Instantiate and Create Objects
Simple Timer
How to separate duplicated objects? - Unity Answers