
Presteps to Making My Own CMS

A lot of these notes here are just my experiences and design changes to orchard cms for the pre-setup into how I will create my own cms. For my own cms I will not be using any of orchard's code but my experiences will help, also by getting familiar with orchard so I can move forward with my employer on other legacy applications that are dependent on aspnet 4.5. So its a win on both sides. Major Design Changes: SafeMode Theme - Removed/Moved Originally I was completely against having this feature at all however with some thought I think its a matter of default behavior in the core/module features. I did something similar with the Admin Theme menu.cshtml. Instead of changing the tag element view in the core file I simple rewrote the look of the admin menu. Instead of the admin menu adding all the classes to the li tag in the for-loop they are placed in the link tag for fontawesome. The key is no css or javascript just the html. SafeMode can only be used for display purposes at...

A Dependency of Dependency Inject

    I have voiced my opinion in the past on dependency injection, and even got myself in some stupid conversations with other developers who are little obsessed with this topic. I was first caught off guard because I questioned for my support for angular which I'll come back to in a minute. My first rule for using any tool or technology is to using it for its greatest strength and really use it or not at all. Which is creating tests around my code and creating versions of those dependencies."we need dependency injection for unit testing/scalability".  Neither of these reasons are wrong and I agree them but if you build blindly follow them without reason you miss the point. I one point used Ninject, and was actually stumped on the explanation given. This was because up to that point dependency injection was something I understood how to use but not its method. However I moved pass that point and started making my opinion clear. Show me the tests! The reason I given was sc...

3D Printer - Electrical Notes

Last year I bought a really cheap 3d printer  which was a self-built kit based on the priums 3. Its been years since my beginner course high school on electric. However I didnt have any issues picking things backup and getting to working. The printer I got have zero notes or instructions but for $110 what can you say. Notes "The AC "L" and "N" probably mean "Live" and "Neutral" respectively. The ground next to it is the Earth ground. The V+ and COM are the DC output terminals, which you could also say are V+ and V-, respectively" BLACK = HOT WHITE = NEUTRAL GREEN = GROUND If you use a computer power cord or other cord based on the international wiring color code: BROWN = HOT BLUE = NEUTRAL GREEN/YELLOW STRIPE = GROUND ground baby I did burn out a fuse on my board but I don't think it was my fault because the fuse was 5amps instead of 10 like the second fuse on my board. Went online and but a similar fuse as the second...

Bootstrap - Static Table Header

   With this solution I limiting myself to just css as much as I could without javascript. The draw backs are writing out multiple css selectors and statically writing out the width of column. Also I had to make a max-height for the table, which I was already doing. I could have easily added ag-grid or ui-grid but I wanted to keep it simple and look at the performances. From a development point of view I would say the time to setup either approach is the same. That is building out this static approach verses just using a library. From the image you can see the max-height is only applied to the tbody.  I'll place the code in my github repo when I'm ready.

Research on AppScript for Blogger Sync

This a project I've given up since I'm creating my own platform but I wanted to include my notes incase someone wanted to continue my work. Probably not going to happen but maybe someone could create to organize their blog. Create blog posts and have them in separate foldersso you could use the google drive's UI. Unless I find time to waste I probably won't return to this idea but you can comment and let me know what you think. Project API External Service?

Gcloud Vs. Azure Comparison With Aspnet Core

Since I no longer use both cloud services I thought I would write down out my experiences. This is going to be really quick because its mostly just what I saw with my company site as far as costs and development on each platforms. This note isn't the be all comparison, just a few statements on what I saw and experiences so do your own research and experimenting on each platforms. Tools (Visual Studio 2015) Without a doubt azure is the better choice but I was really surprised how much there was for glcoud. In fact there is even a plugin for to deploy your app. Gcloud even making docker support easy, the only differences  with visual studio was how you deployed to each platform. Which I like that they were not the same but it did take a long time when I deployed to gcloud. The time was about 10-15 mins sometimes and I'm sure the team is working on it but azure is the winner for this. Logs - Glcoud Checking your logs in gcloud is surprisingly easier if you are not ...

Project Base Organization

For ever idea and project that has popped in my head, I created a folder. And for over the past six years I've used this approach with some success. Or maybe I'm bias cause I enjoy using this approach. Either way  I do think I've make some headway especially in the last year. For example mypatco is a folder, mostly filled with android, firebase and gcloud links. For more complex problems where the answer isn't in a link. There's my blog or google docs. From there I have kind of a system where a read me file that explains were I left off. Other files are broken up based on the problems or task I need to achieve. All are referenced in the read me and from there I determine my goals are being meet.      More recently I have taken this same approach to a git repo server. Just like any application in a repo things pretty much the same.looking back I guess I was always following a practice kind like waterfall or agile but that was before I knew what they were. Very inter...

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