Presteps to Making My Own CMS
A lot of these notes here are just my experiences and design changes to orchard cms for the pre-setup into how I will create my own cms. For my own cms I will not be using any of orchard's code but my experiences will help, also by getting familiar with orchard so I can move forward with my employer on other legacy applications that are dependent on aspnet 4.5. So its a win on both sides.
Major Design Changes:
Major Design Changes:
- SafeMode Theme - Removed/Moved
- Originally I was completely against having this feature at all however with some thought I think its a matter of default behavior in the core/module features. I did something similar with the Admin Theme menu.cshtml. Instead of changing the tag element view in the core file I simple rewrote the look of the admin menu. Instead of the admin menu adding all the classes to the li tag in the for-loop they are placed in the link tag for fontawesome. The key is no css or javascript just the html. SafeMode can only be used for display purposes at best. The reason behind this is to keep things simple and CMS's dont validate the frontend.
- Modules - No JS/CSS
- Just like with the SafeMode things are not draw out in the cms just basic elements if need be or/and overridden in the themes. The goal is to have one theme so the reason behind SafeMode is invalid since customers should try to reach this goal for performance reasons.
- Clear Object to View Nesting
- A major issue for new users/developers for orchard is that the views give no idea how the object/modal is nested to the backend. You almost could explain it to them in a tree but that tree is dynamic so its easier to relay on the view's file name like orchard already does. So placement of the file is important because it can also illustrate the dynamic tree.
This was just a quick write up for my notes, sorry if they might be unclear however if you complie the forked code and look at it you will see for yourself what I changed. My goal was to make orchard's admin responsive and overall code simpler. That means to make things more Api/json based and some rules between front/backend. The code can always be found @github/fassetar/Orchard