
Showing posts from July, 2017

Linux Cheatsheet

With everything going on with logicoma, I will be frequently updating this page so I can just jump back into whatever system tasks at hand. I should add this I'm going to keep this focused on ubuntu/debian. X11 Forwarding using Putty on Windows - YouTube Storage Commands fdisk -l mkdir ← a directoy of where to mount the disk mount ← mount a disk using /dev/[disk] ln ← creates a link file from another name ← use 'a' to get all the information on the server rm /path/to/directory/*

Javascript Cheatsheet

At times I do still just use pure javascript and nothing else because how small I want the project to be. As always more coming soon... JavaScript best practices 19+ JavaScript Shorthand Coding Techniques Best way to find an item in a JavaScript array? - Stack Overflow Replace multiple whitespaces with single whitespace in JavaScript string - Stack Overflow javascript - How can I disable highlighting in html or JS? - Stack Overflow javascript - drag and drop, prevent awkward highlighting? - Stack Overflow Basic Json Request Using XMLHttpRequest Performance    There is a lot of talking about how to test the real performance of javascript and for the most part I have no clue where to start as I write this. Hopefully that will change be the end, skip to it if you dont want to learn the process as well. Fun Example  function DisplayQuestions() { var Questions = new Array(20);...

EF6 Cheatsheet

When I was first learning EF I tried using model first however migrations and the setup to handle it was too buggy. I'm sure I could have gotten it in time but I've learned right way the importance of being a good dba. Performance Considerations for EF 4, 5, and 6 Entity Framework - Entity Framework 6: The Ninja Edition Best practices to improve Entity Framework performance | InfoWorld Tips to improve Entity Framework Performance EntityFramework Performance and AutoDetectChanges RoleEntryPoint Class (Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime) <sessionState> Element using Statement (C# Reference) More coming soon

IIS Cheatsheet

Setting up a website in iis is pretty easy and its where I'm most comfortable doing my professionally work. However with newer frameworks I'm look outside of iis because of the non-window based servers. So this cheatsheet is even better because I'm sure it will be a long time before convince my peers to use linux. Server Error: HTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server Error ASP.NET IIS Registration Tool (Aspnet_regiis.exe) How to Configure HTTP Access to SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services on IIS7 Reverse Proxy with URL Rewrite v2 and Application Request Routing Security & Users What are all the user accounts for IIS/ASP.NET and how do they differ? Solution iis 7 - IIS7 Permissions Overview - ApplicationPoolIdentity ssl - IIS process cannot access file in use - Stack Overflow Side note Installing and Running node.js applications within IIS on Windows Run IIS + ASP.NET on Windows 10 with...

C++/C Cheatsheet

I really should have more notes on this but I haven't touched c++ this year. Last year I had more projects to help this but I've put them off until I finish a few projects using python. Beep your PC speaker in linux » LinuxPlayer | LinuxPlayer UNIX programming examples The GNU C Library Beep for Linux and Windows Linux Signals – Example C Program to Catch Signals (SIGINT, SIGKILL, SIGSTOP, etc.) The GNU C Library - Table of Contents system - C++ Reference Other Notes SLIDE Pipeline Assignment 5 OpenGL Mathematics Generalized linear model Data Type (GLSL) - opengl - Rotate an object given only by its points?

Sql Cheatsheet

After my first job I realized the importance of learning a bit about it all. None should be in the dark when it comes to their website. I might not be a master of relational databases but give me a mongodb or reddis and even a firebase database any day. Still some projects are dependent on mysql and etc so I have enough info to help me move forward. Nothing I had more than a dba or team who locks me out. Throw exception from SQL Server function to stored procedure - Stack Overflow HOW TO: Return Errors and Warnings from a SQL Server Stored Procedure in ADO.NET RAISERROR (Transact-SQL) SQL server management studio local database connection error in windows 7 Visual Studio Database Guide - Home How to: Use Source Control with SQL Server Management Studio mysql - Sending multiple data parameters with jQuery AJAX sql server - Inserting multiple rows in a single SQL query? LuaSQL: Database connectivity for the Lua programming language DECLARE @local_variable (Transact-SQL) Pa...

Certificate Providers & ISPs

This was just a question I always wondered and a topic I'v been fascinated by. I think a lot of information out there is obscured and this done so purposefully. Its such a tough market but once your in your in. Certificates Becoming a X.509 Certificate Authority How can my organization become a Root CA? As a ISP company Start an ISP WiMAX leased-line-buyers-guide Satellite_phone Who provides the Internet service to Internet Service Providers (ISPs)? Similar Businesses

Jquery Cheatsheet

Time to time I still use jquery and honestly don't have too many complaints about using jquery over more modern frameworks. Either way keep coming back to this page for reminders or small bugs in my code that I forget to add. I think the best approach for anyone is to create plugins for their needs and just keep expending around that. Javascript - Event order lightbox for images, videos, YouTube, iframes, ajax deferred.always() | jQuery API Documentation .trigger() | jQuery API Documentation jQuery advantages/differences in .trigger() vs .click() - Stack Overflow jQuery BlockUI Plugin How to detect pressing enter on keyboard using jquery? - Stack Overflow jquery - Last element in .each() set - Stack Overflow jQuery event.preventDefault() not working in Firefox (JSFiddle included) jquery - Checking to see if AJAX response is empty and other problems javascript - jQuery's $(form).submit() not firing for IE only (MVC3 app) javascript - How can I refresh a page with ...

Travis-Ci & Saucelabs Environment Variables

Firebase's example on how to auto deploy with Travis shows us a more secure way rather than how I did.  fassetar/jquery-maskmoney  if I can create a similar approach with this project I would feel better about the security. More coming soon...

Presteps to Making My Own CMS Part II

Before I try to create my own cms I looked recreating  some middlware for blogger. To be clear I didn't create my own database layer simple used Oauth and the blogger api's with a re-skinned UI/UX using Material Angular. I also created some tools for myself awhile I'm using the app and started creating a backup on github process like I talked about a few years back.

Powershell Cheatsheet

   One of the things that I have been getting use to is powershell, I'm not a server administrator.  Or at least if I'm going to be one I prefer linux. Most of my server are and I'm going to have a update here once I get my lab setup. For now this is how I manage my job and correct the systems that have gone wild. https://s...

Git Cheatsheet

I'm always handling the code wherever I go so maybe its time I shared my notes. I'm really surprised but I should with my experience how many developers don't know git. msysgit - git: 'credential-cache' is not a git command How do I update the password for Git? How do you attach a new pull request to an existing issue on github Squash commits! I'm always forgetting this and its really simple to do if you remember both commands. git rebase -i xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx git push --force origin master "where xxxxxxxxxx is the SHA of the commit upto which I've to squash" .  Get username git config Change Email git config Caching Password on Windows. git config --global credential.helper wincred More coming soon...

Gimp Cheatsheet

I really should just get a graphic's designer to do all my work but that's probably the words of every developer has said. I don't have the skills or patience but sometimes my needs are very simple and that's really what I work with for my games. Someday I'll pay for one, maybe when I make actually money off my games. How to Smooth an Images Edge After Resizing - YouTube GIMP White Background Removal Tutorial - YouTube Pixilze an Image More coming soon..

Presteps to Making My Own CMS

A lot of these notes here are just my experiences and design changes to orchard cms for the pre-setup into how I will create my own cms. For my own cms I will not be using any of orchard's code but my experiences will help, also by getting familiar with orchard so I can move forward with my employer on other legacy applications that are dependent on aspnet 4.5. So its a win on both sides. Major Design Changes: SafeMode Theme - Removed/Moved Originally I was completely against having this feature at all however with some thought I think its a matter of default behavior in the core/module features. I did something similar with the Admin Theme menu.cshtml. Instead of changing the tag element view in the core file I simple rewrote the look of the admin menu. Instead of the admin menu adding all the classes to the li tag in the for-loop they are placed in the link tag for fontawesome. The key is no css or javascript just the html. SafeMode can only be used for display purposes at...

A Dependency of Dependency Inject

    I have voiced my opinion in the past on dependency injection, and even got myself in some stupid conversations with other developers who are little obsessed with this topic. I was first caught off guard because I questioned for my support for angular which I'll come back to in a minute. My first rule for using any tool or technology is to using it for its greatest strength and really use it or not at all. Which is creating tests around my code and creating versions of those dependencies."we need dependency injection for unit testing/scalability".  Neither of these reasons are wrong and I agree them but if you build blindly follow them without reason you miss the point. I one point used Ninject, and was actually stumped on the explanation given. This was because up to that point dependency injection was something I understood how to use but not its method. However I moved pass that point and started making my opinion clear. Show me the tests! The reason I given was sc...

3D Printer - Electrical Notes

Last year I bought a really cheap 3d printer  which was a self-built kit based on the priums 3. Its been years since my beginner course high school on electric. However I didnt have any issues picking things backup and getting to working. The printer I got have zero notes or instructions but for $110 what can you say. Notes "The AC "L" and "N" probably mean "Live" and "Neutral" respectively. The ground next to it is the Earth ground. The V+ and COM are the DC output terminals, which you could also say are V+ and V-, respectively" BLACK = HOT WHITE = NEUTRAL GREEN = GROUND If you use a computer power cord or other cord based on the international wiring color code: BROWN = HOT BLUE = NEUTRAL GREEN/YELLOW STRIPE = GROUND ground baby I did burn out a fuse on my board but I don't think it was my fault because the fuse was 5amps instead of 10 like the second fuse on my board. Went online and but a similar fuse as the second...

Bootstrap - Static Table Header

   With this solution I limiting myself to just css as much as I could without javascript. The draw backs are writing out multiple css selectors and statically writing out the width of column. Also I had to make a max-height for the table, which I was already doing. I could have easily added ag-grid or ui-grid but I wanted to keep it simple and look at the performances. From a development point of view I would say the time to setup either approach is the same. That is building out this static approach verses just using a library. From the image you can see the max-height is only applied to the tbody.  I'll place the code in my github repo when I'm ready.

Research on AppScript for Blogger Sync

This a project I've given up since I'm creating my own platform but I wanted to include my notes incase someone wanted to continue my work. Probably not going to happen but maybe someone could create to organize their blog. Create blog posts and have them in separate foldersso you could use the google drive's UI. Unless I find time to waste I probably won't return to this idea but you can comment and let me know what you think. Project API External Service?

Gcloud Vs. Azure Comparison With Aspnet Core

Since I no longer use both cloud services I thought I would write down out my experiences. This is going to be really quick because its mostly just what I saw with my company site as far as costs and development on each platforms. This note isn't the be all comparison, just a few statements on what I saw and experiences so do your own research and experimenting on each platforms. Tools (Visual Studio 2015) Without a doubt azure is the better choice but I was really surprised how much there was for glcoud. In fact there is even a plugin for to deploy your app. Gcloud even making docker support easy, the only differences  with visual studio was how you deployed to each platform. Which I like that they were not the same but it did take a long time when I deployed to gcloud. The time was about 10-15 mins sometimes and I'm sure the team is working on it but azure is the winner for this. Logs - Glcoud Checking your logs in gcloud is surprisingly easier if you are not ...

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