
Unity: Notes for My Next Game V

    So I broke  one of my own rules, which was staying on task. With a lot of my notes being scattered all over the place the last few weeks it has been difficult to keep track of things. I have accomplish a lot, but I think I will go back to publishing my notes to better focus on my deadline.  I could have written the notes and just not publish them but I think it would be a waste of time,  especially  since I was already using a issue tracker. Publish these article forces my hand to show what I've got (which may not look like much for this article but I'll let you be the judge).  Notes:     I wanted to start getting my game in a playable state and since a lot of the small things bugged me. I just had to get them working right. I started worked on the things that just make it difficult to control my player but I did spend too much time on the player's character model. Controls on Android are not helpful with PC controls . Pc to android conversion (input),Unity3D in

LPI Certification Material

    At one time I really wanted to take the  LPI certification  but I feel my experience speaks for itself. However I do want to cover the material and refresh myself on some of the stuff that I don't use on a regular basis. I bolded the commands I use the least and reworded the description a little more to my liking. Most of the information is just examples I found and stuff I think would be covered. Commands declare - Use the declare command to set variable and functions attributes. quota - displays users' disk usage and limits. By default only the user quotas are printed. date  - display or set the time. rpm - package manager. (I prefer debian) xvidtune - tweaks the screen resolution. nl - prints line numbers before each line in a file. od  - dumps files in octal format. su - option m is pretty useful, do not reset environment variables. mkfs - “used to build a Linux file system on a device, usually a hard disk partition.” XF86Config -the sec

AngularJS: Facets in a Search Grid

    Sometime back I really needed this code however it came a little too late and unfortunately didn't make it into the final product. However I have since then built a complete explain showing how to hand facets with little javascript code and with a whole lot of functionality! Requirements Load appropriate facets, make a search. Update the UI, reload page if necessary but scale up for a single page application. Make things bookmarkable but don't lose that awesomeness from SPA's. Example  - I forget where I found this but its probably buried somewhere in my resources. My Example Javascript code var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []); myApp.controller('mainController', function($scope) { $scope.items = [{ item:"apples", flag: true }, { item:"oranges", flag: true }, { it

Chrome Console Log Styling

     The devtools console is probably one of my best friend when it comes to web development and it just so happen that one day when I was randomly looking at the console while visiting facebook. What I found was some styles being applied to a console.log command. After looking a little into this cool new concept I found what many would find after doing a quick search. Example console.log( ' %c Hello World!' , 'color: white; background-color: black; font-size: 70px;' );      I really like the image example I found (in the resources), this just leaves me wondering what can't you do in the devtools console. I know awhile back I even saw that you can use "require" to install modules into chrome. Side Note     I learned there are two short-cuts to pull up the devtools console. There's Control-Shift J which I use and Control-Shift I. Probably will just stick with J though. Also this I already knew but just wanted to share because I think it&#

Project: DuckSauce Notes Part IIII

     A lot of this article not going to make sense to people because it relates to my thoughts as I wrote them down and what I researched or tried to understand. Some of it is wrong, and looking back probably could have approached somethings better but that's just a natural way of learning.  Also a lot of my notes are going to appear as if I'm going in circles (or that's just how I see it). Previous articles can be found here . Day 1- 10/2/14     I started looking at the   chrome . devtools . panels . openResource , by resources I think the docs means a web page's resources not the devtool's resources (something that  work-spaces  might have access to).  The next part, "Requests DevTools to open a URL in a Developer Tools panel."  " The real power of  Work-spaces  lies in being able to map a local file to a URL (or “Network Resource”). Whenever Chrome loads the mapped URL, it displays the  work-space  folder contents in place of the network folder

The Four Components of a Web Application

    If I had to go back in time and explain to myself web development (primary what most call front-end) in a nutshell this is how I would organize it. I would purposely leave out explaining to myself any middle tier or backend frameworks as I would place those types of technologies in another category. Which may or may not be how others organize it but I'm open to suggestion . Hey these colors look familiar! Structures ( HTML) Not to be confused with styles, controls the structure/flow and order of things. Ignore tags like bold or italic because they kinda break this idea. The same could  kinda be said about  a break tag. Styles (CSS) - looks, not functionality but the two do work together a lot! Mobile first baby! Content (Other) -  separate  from all the rest but drives the app is in  Forget for a moment everything you know about databases, middle-tier, back-end or whatever there is that draws your users to a website. Focus on just the meaning ar

AngularJS: Select All Checkboxes

    There were very few examples I found on this idea however most of them were not complete or depended on libraries were not included in my projects. I could simply include them and call it a day but that would be too easy. So I took the best example I could find and rewrote it in just AngularJS. Code: $ scope.items = [ {item: 1 , flag: true }, {item: 2 , flag: true }, {item: 3 , flag: true }]; $scope . allNeedsClicked = function () { var newValue = ! $ scope.allNeedsMet(); for ( var i = 0 ; i < $ scope.items. length ; i ++ ) { $ scope.items[i].flag = newValue; } }; $scope . allNeedsMet = function () { var needsMet = []; for ( var i = 0 ; i < $ scope.items. length ; i ++ ) { if ( $ scope.items[i].flag === true ) needsMet. push ( true ); } console .log ( $ scope.items. length , needsMet. length ); return (needsMet. length === $ scope.items. length ); }; Solution:  https://fassetar.gith

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